Styling Anybody got any photo's of their GP on 15's? Will it look Gay?

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Styling Anybody got any photo's of their GP on 15's? Will it look Gay?

Eddie Van Halen can afford more than 300 quid although album sales have slowed down with lots of people filesharing rather than buying music but unfortunately Mrs Van Halen has realised that Mr Van Halen is about to spend some money and keeps mentioning DIY that is not finished and other things that we need for the house! (n)

Like the Red GP - both sets look good. I've got someone coming to look at my currently 3rd car. When that sells I think I need to just order something and stop thinking!
Ive had 17s on nearly two years and never had any problems with my gearbox :D *touches wood* but to admit 16s are a good compromise and jarvo got his wheels off ebay a complete steal!