i finally got round to making my angel rings for my mk2 headlights
well i got like haf way thru doiin one set lmao
they turned out better than i thort but was a bit more tricky than i thort to make the rings perfectly circular and to melt and flex each part of the tube lol
all you need is:
*Gas cooker
*Acrylic rods (
http://stores.shop.ebay.co.uk/Clear...217QQ_sidZ83843259QQ_trksidZp4634Q2ec0Q2em322 )
*LED bulbs (
http://www.phenoptix.com/shop/5mm-leds-c-21_29_23.html )
*Hack Saw
*Summat circular of the same diametre to mould the rings around ( i used a glass for one and one of those metal vasline tins for the other )
*Some socks so you dont burn your hands lol
(Chose your rod and bulb diametre according to what headlight your doin, i did my mk2 headlights so used 5mm rod and 3mm bulbs)
All you need and the stuff listed above lol:
Firstly i tryed to warm in the oven like the guides on youtube and that tell you but it doesnt work that well because only the middle of the tube gets warmed and flexible no the ends:
So i scrapped that idea and just turned on the gas on top of the cooker and held the rod with my hand over the flame until i could see it flexing a bit then bit by bit mould and reheat the rod until you make a full circle, put socks on your hands so you dont burn yourself with the hot rod or gass cooker and socks made it easier to use your hands than just a towel lol BTW mould it round something with the same daimtere as your headlight lamps:
And look at that we have one perfect circular acrylic ring:
Just measure up against the lamp trim to make sure thers no straight edges or bit that arnt sitting flush:
Next use the hacksaw to cut off the extra bit ( Note that it is not possible to make a full circle as you have to leave a gap to fit the bulbs in ):
You will end up with the ends of the ring coming up slightly for some reason so instead of re heating and messin round with the hole ring just heat up end with a lighter and flex it down a bit so its all level:
Thats as far as iv got, il drill holes tmox and put bulbs in, and i have to make slits on the rear of the rings for some reason i think its to make it reflect more light or summat, so when im done the ring wil look summat like this:
a ring with little slits all the way around, i prefer it lookin clean without the slits but i dont think it will work like that so have to slit it on the backlol