Styling Angel Eyes DIY

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Styling Angel Eyes DIY

Right, I've read loads into this and thought that it might be easier (and cheaper) to detango and halo...

are these the right halo rings?

I've not got a clue!!

Thanks guys (y)

Iv been looking for a set to fit the punto for months now lol i hant come acroos any that do.

These say universal so i theory should fit but am not sure, please let me know they are any good for the punto

Iv emailed the seller il let you know what they say, hopefully these will fit fingers crossed.

Thanks forthe link btw(y)
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If youre on a budget, fitting halo rings is an option. Obviously you will need the sizes of the rings;) On paper it sounds simple, crack open the head lights & fit said halo rings then seal up head light etc,etc. However, things dont always go according to plan. If youre the knacky type, & confident in what you are doing, I'd say give it a go, on the other hand, you say you don't have a clue..............

Realistically, I think you can pick up angel eyes quite cheaply, second/hand even cheaper. At the very least, pick up a second/hand pair of lights & work on them.....Best of luck.:)
If youre on a budget, fitting halo rings is an option. Obviously you will need the sizes of the rings;) On paper it sounds simple, crack open the head lights & fit said halo rings then seal up head light etc,etc. However, things dont always go according to plan. If youre the knacky type, & confident in what you are doing, I'd say give it a go, on the other hand, you say you don't have a clue..............

Realistically, I think you can pick up angel eyes quite cheaply, second/hand even cheaper. At the very least, pick up a second/hand pair of lights & work on them.....Best of luck.:)

Yh true the confident type tho lol but i need my car on the road at all times so il probly get some headlights from scrappers split them and fit halos in my spare time then bolt them onto the car.

BTW thers some black mk2 angle eyes on sale ebay £60 second hand, brand new ther like £100+

And i keep askin but no one answering:

does anyone know the diametre of the mk2 headlight lamps so i can get the right size halos???

i aint gonn split the headlights to measure cos then they mite not sell that size then im fooked split them for nowt, loads of people have split them but wont tell you the size.
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I have DIY angel eyes. Have a spare RING which measures at 75mm external diamter, and 63mm internal diameter. I'd probably think anything a few mm smaller would be okay, but anything bigger would be a tight fit.

I got mine from a guy in Holland, called Illusion Styling, but don't know if he still does them.

Apart from openinig up the headlights, its a little bit difficult getting the silver projector caps off (i.e. the things you stick the angel eyes on to) and even more difficult to fit them back on again without breaking the angel take your time!
Iv been looking for a set to fit the punto for months now lol i hant come acroos any that do.

These say universal so i theory should fit but am not sure, please let me know they are any good for the punto

Iv emailed the seller il let you know what they say, hopefully these will fit fingers crossed.

Thanks forthe link btw(y)

erm it says

Please please do not email us ask if this will fit your particular make and model of vehicle, as stated above these can be fitted to almost all vehicles and are sold as a universal fitting item.

so your not gonna get an answer

as for doing it yourself

just click the union jack flag and it will switch to english
i can but i let me finish moddin my lights to see if they go right first lol

iv finished sprayin one headlight just waitin for some acrylic rods to arrive and leds

im gonna make my own angel eyes out of them its really easy

all you do is heat the acrylic rod in the oven then bend it to the right size, drill 2holes either side and pop in a led each side, sort out your wires and stick them into your headlights.

il post some pics up once i have made and put in my halos(y)

cost like £5 - £10 for acrylic rods and bulbs lol much cheaper than the £100+ angel headlights are goin for.

thats my headlight now detangoed and sprayed, i detangoed by tinting the indicator lense just personal choice i think its better than just removin the lense but evryone has own taste
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it does look better but you won't be able to see your indicator as good? I'd just remove it all together..

I've seen some halo rings ready made on ebay...

the ones above are BMW ones but you get the idea, it just depends on what size you need...

these are 60mm

Would they work?

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if you de-tango you will need chrome indicator bulbs which flash amer. few quid on ebay. i have done this and all is good. altho i do like what brin has done with his.
i have a spair set of headlights i could de-tango for you but id have to sell them for £40 then postage ontop. but as for halo lights i dont know how to make them. all i can offer is de-tangoed lights :)
if you de-tango you will need chrome indicator bulbs which flash amer. few quid on ebay. i have done this and all is good. altho i do like what brin has done with his.
i have a spair set of headlights i could de-tango for you but id have to sell them for £40 then postage ontop. but as for halo lights i dont know how to make them. all i can offer is de-tangoed lights :)

I can collect if anyone is willing to do something like this for me? I also like what Brin has done with the spraying so that could be an option? :)

Then my lights will look good and I'll have my originals as spares or just to play with :)
Well if your headlights are in good condition id happyly de-tango the ones i have and swap them for yours but as i said only de-tango. I live in rochdale so its only 10r petty to get here and back from wigan in a 1.2. I picked up my alloys from there and only put 10r in tank lol. If your interested pm me :)
Well if your headlights are in good condition id happyly de-tango the ones i have and swap them for yours but as i said only de-tango. I live in rochdale so its only 10r petty to get here and back from wigan in a 1.2. I picked up my alloys from there and only put 10r in tank lol. If your interested pm me :)

Yeah my headlights are in extremely good condition, but I don't know whether de-tangoing would be what I want at the min, I really like Brin's cos they're unique, and I like the angels as well so not quite made my mind up on the lights lol! what bulbs do your headlights take? H1's? :)
i finally got round to making my angel rings for my mk2 headlights:D

well i got like haf way thru doiin one set lmao

they turned out better than i thort but was a bit more tricky than i thort to make the rings perfectly circular and to melt and flex each part of the tube lol

all you need is:
*Gas cooker
*Acrylic rods ( )
*LED bulbs ( )
*Hack Saw
*Summat circular of the same diametre to mould the rings around ( i used a glass for one and one of those metal vasline tins for the other )
*Some socks so you dont burn your hands lol

(Chose your rod and bulb diametre according to what headlight your doin, i did my mk2 headlights so used 5mm rod and 3mm bulbs)

All you need and the stuff listed above lol:

Firstly i tryed to warm in the oven like the guides on youtube and that tell you but it doesnt work that well because only the middle of the tube gets warmed and flexible no the ends:

So i scrapped that idea and just turned on the gas on top of the cooker and held the rod with my hand over the flame until i could see it flexing a bit then bit by bit mould and reheat the rod until you make a full circle, put socks on your hands so you dont burn yourself with the hot rod or gass cooker and socks made it easier to use your hands than just a towel lol BTW mould it round something with the same daimtere as your headlight lamps:

And look at that we have one perfect circular acrylic ring:

Just measure up against the lamp trim to make sure thers no straight edges or bit that arnt sitting flush:

Next use the hacksaw to cut off the extra bit ( Note that it is not possible to make a full circle as you have to leave a gap to fit the bulbs in ):

You will end up with the ends of the ring coming up slightly for some reason so instead of re heating and messin round with the hole ring just heat up end with a lighter and flex it down a bit so its all level:

Thats as far as iv got, il drill holes tmox and put bulbs in, and i have to make slits on the rear of the rings for some reason i think its to make it reflect more light or summat, so when im done the ring wil look summat like this:

a ring with little slits all the way around, i prefer it lookin clean without the slits but i dont think it will work like that so have to slit it on the backlol
right does anyone know where to wire my angel rings to, to make them come on with the sidelights??

im guessing that i would wire to the existing sidelight bulb holder wires as theres 2 wires ther but which one is positive and which is negative??

Also do i need some sort of a resistor or with the sidelights already be resisted?
The sidelight should be fine. Not sure which is live and which earth, have a look at the wiring diagrams in the manual or stick a multimeter across them.

If you're fitting LED's then 12v will be a bit too much. Have a look at the LED's and see what their voltage rating is. If you're not sure about resistors put the voltage on here and one of us should be able to work out what you need!
The sidelight should be fine. Not sure which is live and which earth, have a look at the wiring diagrams in the manual or stick a multimeter across them.

If you're fitting LED's then 12v will be a bit too much. Have a look at the LED's and see what their voltage rating is. If you're not sure about resistors put the voltage on here and one of us should be able to work out what you need!

cheers mate, i have n idea about the voltage i bought them of the net came in a plastic pocket with no writin, only thing i no for sure is that they are 3mm LED bulbs so very small.

I have powered 5mm LEDs of 12v straight from battery but will itbe ok for 3mm bulbs from the sidelight wires, do you think the sidelight wires are already resisted for the 501 bulb??

(a sidleight 501 bulb is 12v 5w)

thats what i have bort from that site.
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it tells you on the site;

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Source Material: InGaN
Emitting Colour: White
Emitting Wavelength (nm): NA (Broad)
Size: 3mm
Intensity (mcd): 7000-9000
Viewing Angle (deg): 20
Forward Voltage (V): 3.0-3.4
Forward Current (mA): 20-30

You will deffo need a resistor use the following to calculate it;
The important value for the LED's is actually the current, but this is linked to the voltage.

The Max current will be somewhere in the 2mA to 20mA range, you should be able to get the info from the supplier, email them and ask! With a voltage drop of something like 1.8 volts. I'm guessing you'll be running 2 LED's off the supply, so in series the voltage dropped should be around 4 volts, give or take a bit.

If you try and run these directly off 12v, the chances are you'll over-current them and blow them up quite quickly.

If you allow 20mA, which should be fairly safe, then you need a 300 ohm resistor in series. (orange black red)

For safety, allowing 10mA, you'll need a 600 ohm resistor. (blue black red)

For 2mA you'll need a 3kilohm resistor. (orange black orange)

I'd say it's unlikely there's a resistor in the lamp circuit, as they're rated at 12v.

Hope some of that is useful mate. If you can get the max current rating and it doesn't match one of the values above then let me know and I can calc them for you.

I've assumed white/blue LED's, as they have a higher voltage drop than other LED's.
Hadn't spotted that Paul.

So for safety I'd run them at the 20mA forward current, should make sure you get decent life from them. I assume you'll be bonding them into the ring somehow, so the last thing you want is to blow one and have to start all over again!

A slight amendment, use the max voltage drop, 3.4V, so your resistor needs to be:-


so 5.2/.02

Which gives a resistance of 260 Ohms. Somewhere around the 300 ohm mark will suit fine. From the E12 series, you could go for a 270R or a 330R, either would be fine.
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