Styling Angel Eyes DIY

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Styling Angel Eyes DIY

Yeah that's parallel.

All the calcs I did were for the LED's in series, so you might be running those a wee bit hot!

Are the LED's bonded into the ends?

They look cool. Not sure I'd put them in the car, but as a gadget they're definitely cool! :D
Yeah that's parallel.

All the calcs I did were for the LED's in series, so you might be running those a wee bit hot!

Are the LED's bonded into the ends?

They look cool. Not sure I'd put them in the car, but as a gadget they're definitely cool! :D

nah not bonded into the ends of the rinngs i just pushed them in they wer a tight fit then i heat shrink over them to make sure they wont slip out

i noticed that with parralell if i bang another bulb into the circuit then all the leds go a quite bit dimmer, so when i link to my sidelight wire wen the 501 sidelight bulb is activated my halos might go very dim lol
If you wire a bulb in series before the parallel LED's then you effectively share the available voltage across them, so yeah, it'll be a fair bit dimmer.

If you put it in parallel with the bulb then you should get the full voltage across them all, so should be no change in brightness.

If you just patch that onto the bulb wires it'll automatically be in parallel with the bulb!
Can we see pics of how damaged your headlights are now? Since you've had to dremel them to get them apart? (y)
they dont get damaged all you can see is a rough line on top of the light when you open the bonnet

yeah mate just like a ruff whit line wher it use to join but no ruff edges as i thinly siliconed over the joint to smooth it out

true that.

Youve done a nice job with the halo's brin

cheers mate, took a hell of a lot of effort lol

hi brin how much £0.0000 to do mine if your interested :) in doing them

hi mate,

i am wanting to make some angel rings to sell, just need to wait a like til end of week got work and that then il order the parts and get round to making them.

It would be easier for me to just make the angel rings rather than doin the whole headlight tbh, and i dont have any headlights to do it to unless you can supply the headlights for me then it will take a while for me to do them cos i have work and college probly take a week for me complete and send back to you, depends how busy i am mate

if you want just the angel rings i can do them for you for like £40 have them ready in like a day and send them to you mate

i will make all 4 rings, put leds of your colour choice in, solder all the wires together, and put a resistor in for best brightness without blowin the bulbs

then you will have a set of angel rings ready to put into your headlights just need to connect positive and negative wires, i will tel you which wires to link to mate