General rear number's yours fitted?

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General rear number's yours fitted?

Aug 4, 2004
is it with four screws, in the corner of the plate? that go through to four plastic bungs neatly installed in the metal behind the plate?

is it with a trio of those super strong sticky pads? i like those, work a treat on the paj too.....

or has it been put on with just 2 screws? through the horizontal centreline of the plate? ignoring those lovely factory prepped holes? with the screws going directly into and through the paintwork and metal underneath? thereby creating a potential breach in the cars anti-corrosion coating?

it's been seen at least once on a's def a dealer issue, as apparently the factory enclose the correct fixing kit with each new car.....have a look
Well, you know mine :D hence why this thread was started - I have attached a pic [or maybe not, can't find it :bang:]

...I did approach Motorvogue about it, and the potential affect on the anti-corrosion warranty, and it was laughed off, saying that will never happen, car has been galvanised, etc - oh, and the fact they do so many cars a day, that there is no way someone is going to line up the holes 'properly'
three sticky pads on the rear, but only one is working. two screws on the front. the idiot who drilled the screw holes managed to drill a scratch across the plastic grill and across the foglight. no idea how that happened but i think it has.
More than three sticky pads...

My plates fell off front and rear within the first fortnight of ownership. :eek: :p
Originally Dealer fitted front and rear with 3 sticky pads each.........Dealer said that the valeting guys always knocked off the plastic screw cap tops with the jet spraying.:eek: So now uses pads.

When I changed over to the personalised plates I used 4 sticky pads each front and rear. So far so good.
Well, you know mine :D hence why this thread was started - I have attached a pic [or maybe not, can't find it :bang:]

...I did approach Motorvogue about it, and the potential affect on the anti-corrosion warranty, and it was laughed off, saying that will never happen, car has been galvanised, etc - oh, and the fact they do so many cars a day, that there is no way someone is going to line up the holes 'properly'

That's what templates are for :rolleyes: and ok the 'car' is galvanised but what about the screws ?
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I know Matt, I could see that they didn't seem unduly bothered about it.

Still, I will lodge a complaint, if you can call it that, with FIAT UK, and make sure it doesn't affect any future claims. They did admit that they never use the PDI pack that comes with the car, with all the little screws in it :nutter:
Two screws directly into metal. I even had to alter the hole size on the plate when i bought the car cause it wasn't even straight. I was shocked at such a rough fitment, but thought that as i was keeping the car for only 3 years not to worry. (Plus wasn't going to drive it the 100 miles back to have a moan.)
I saw mine without the plates on, when I test drove it (as it haddn't been pre reg'ed) and noticed the 4 holes, was surprised when I piced it up to see two screw caps, then noticed that when I popped the tops pff the screw caps they didn't have any screws underneath :confused: .......

So basicly some divot in the service depo drilled the holes in the plate without looking at the car, but then had the sense (y) to know better than to screw them into the metal work and instead used sticky pads and dressed the holes in the plate with some glue and caps. Definately preferrable to damaging the metal work in my view.
Mine are stuck on with 4 sticky pads, thats the way Ipicked it up and when i changed the plates thats what I put back on. Any Fiats that I have seen coming out of the main dealer here either has the sticky pads or screws but in the right place as the barchetta came with screws but had ben put on correctly.

I think that is just ****e...... how the hell can a dealer justify not putting it on how fiat intended and drill the metal.... thats just smacks of sheer lazyness and incompetance..

I am sure fiat would have something to say about it... The dealer would be responsible for the antcorosion warranty on that part then as they did it..
Mine sounds a bit different...

Front on has two screw caps on the horizontal while rear plate has only two screw caps but at the top :confused:
If you look closely, the plates at the rear should be affixed on all four corners, into the pre-drilled fittings. Sounds like they only did the top on yours, but that is better than some of us...

I will drop FIAT UK an email.
Mines held on with 2 screws at the front and 4 in the corners at the back.
On my last panda they were stuck on with the sticky pads. and who ever put them on needs there eyes testing because both were lop sided. :eek:
Hmmm mines been fitted with 2 screws as well. If they couldn't be bothered to used the predelivery kit I wish they had used sticky pads. I think I too shall lodge a complaint with FIAT UK. This has really p*issed me off!! :mad:

For any future customers reference my offending dealer is PDH Garages in Findon near Worthing.
Four corners for my one..... Nicly finished white caps. Only a post code on the bottom so no advert for the dealer!!
I called FIAT UK customer service Friday Afternoon and raised a complaint with them so they are going to look into the matter. Apparently I was not the first to contact them about that problem that day !! One of you must have phoned too ? (y)

I also called back at my dealer yesterday and they assured me that it had never been a problem and would not affect the warranty. I took a look at some other Pandas in the forecourt and some plates were stuck on so it was a bit of a mixture. Didn't see any with 4 screws at each corner.

Still don't feel happy about it. Personally I would like it put back to the point where it has a properly fitted plate, but presumably that would require a new hatch back and the associated respray, which frankly wouldn't be worth the hassle and I'd possibly end up worse off. Alternatively official written assurance from FIAT that the warranty is intact would be handy.