Well, I found a leak. Disregard previous reply of me looking like a spoon.
During the process of changing the oil, I noticed a few small drips of oil around the backside of the the unit where the Oil Filter is housed. I just presumed that it was residual oil from where the old one had been taken out and originally thought nothing of it.
I let the oil settle, take her for a spin up the shops, come back home and see that there are a few drops under the car, tiny, drops. Again, I think its just from where the filter was off, but I think, let me check, just incase. So I wipe it down, run the engine for a bit and what do you know? More drops.
Keep wiping it down, and drops keep coming. Although they were getting fewer and further in between, but still drops. I then take a look at the underside plate thing that screws in, and on the side under this unit, the foam thing is darker than the other side, and has a layer of what looks to be oil, sort of dried. It is not 100% definite oil as I stunk of the stuff, but it seemed like it.
I can't see where the leak is originating from, but I presume that this is my issue. Can't believe I hadn't noticed it before.
Images attached if anyone can make sense of it. Ive for the 75k service coming up/MOT so will get them to have a look at it, in the mean time, I'm stumped. On the second image its more noticeable, you can see the small build up of oil in the center-left, that drips down.