There seems to be a fair few questions on the forum about this so here goes..............
My fan doesn't work:
After checking the relevent fuses (check handbook for fuse locations) on the s1 model the fuse is here:

First things first check the fan motor...
(Im pinching a few members photos hope they dont mind :devil
Its up under the glove box removal guide here:
Check the wires are secure and the plug is inserted into the motor and not been tugged out by a passenger kicking his / her feet about in the foot well.... (plug is marked A in the picture below)
If that doesn't do any good use a multi meter to test for voltage and ground at the plug with the blower turned on.....
regardless of what fan speed you have unless its turned off it will show 12v or so (this is due to the characteristic that the volt meter doesn't draw any power as you would expect it to be a lower voltage on speed 1 getting higher as you go up to 4..... you can test this however with a 12v test light..... it should get brighter as you speed it up.... (Obviously you need the ignition on to test it.)
Anyway if you have 12v and ground at the fan but no spinning fan its safe to say its the motor so either get a new fan or attempt to strip the motor down and clean the armature and brushes. (something ive never done but apparently it is possible) by remove the 2 screws at end of motor and it separates from casing so u can easily clean brushes/slip rings,

And check the condition of the brushes fiat dont list a replacement set so if worn it looks like a new fan unit :bang: unless you can find some 12v brushes that fit
An added test would be to hook the fan up to a 12v supply directly and see if it spins (mind your fingers!)
My Fan only works on speed #4
There are several things that can cause this.........
first off check the multi plug on the resistor pack
(marked B) check this for any burning or melting of both the plug and the wires
damage such as this:
if this has happened the safest solution is a new loom AND resistor but it does require pulling a fair bit of the car apart to do...
You can pick a new loom up for about £55 on the bay of e and other online parts suppliers.... make sure you get the modified one which has better wiring apparently

Also ensure you get the correct one (depends if you have A/C or not)
Also whilst your at this point its worth replacing the resistor pack at the same time for the sake of £20, as these can cause the over heating issue so you will be doing the work again in a few months time otherwise.......
Or visit a decent Automotive electrician who should be able to safely replace the plug.....
My fan works on 1 2 4 and not 3 (or any other strange combination)
First off check the plug again also the plug behind the heater control panel on the dash (might be easier to remove the radio and cage to get your hands in (beware of sharp objects and expect to bleed)
If all secure chances are the risistor pack has failed...
This is clipped in the air duct (which helps cool it)

(marked B in the above picture)
according to Cinqster355
if your plug is dead get yourself to a Vauxhall dealer :yuck: and order part number # 95508692

And a thanks to Cinqster355 Magic Johnson and excession for their input on the forum and the pictures they posted which i have shamelessly stolen
My fan doesn't work:
After checking the relevent fuses (check handbook for fuse locations) on the s1 model the fuse is here:

First things first check the fan motor...
(Im pinching a few members photos hope they dont mind :devil
Its up under the glove box removal guide here:
Check the wires are secure and the plug is inserted into the motor and not been tugged out by a passenger kicking his / her feet about in the foot well.... (plug is marked A in the picture below)
If that doesn't do any good use a multi meter to test for voltage and ground at the plug with the blower turned on.....
regardless of what fan speed you have unless its turned off it will show 12v or so (this is due to the characteristic that the volt meter doesn't draw any power as you would expect it to be a lower voltage on speed 1 getting higher as you go up to 4..... you can test this however with a 12v test light..... it should get brighter as you speed it up.... (Obviously you need the ignition on to test it.)
Anyway if you have 12v and ground at the fan but no spinning fan its safe to say its the motor so either get a new fan or attempt to strip the motor down and clean the armature and brushes. (something ive never done but apparently it is possible) by remove the 2 screws at end of motor and it separates from casing so u can easily clean brushes/slip rings,

And check the condition of the brushes fiat dont list a replacement set so if worn it looks like a new fan unit :bang: unless you can find some 12v brushes that fit
An added test would be to hook the fan up to a 12v supply directly and see if it spins (mind your fingers!)
My Fan only works on speed #4
There are several things that can cause this.........
first off check the multi plug on the resistor pack
(marked B) check this for any burning or melting of both the plug and the wires
damage such as this:
if this has happened the safest solution is a new loom AND resistor but it does require pulling a fair bit of the car apart to do...
You can pick a new loom up for about £55 on the bay of e and other online parts suppliers.... make sure you get the modified one which has better wiring apparently

Also ensure you get the correct one (depends if you have A/C or not)
Also whilst your at this point its worth replacing the resistor pack at the same time for the sake of £20, as these can cause the over heating issue so you will be doing the work again in a few months time otherwise.......
Or visit a decent Automotive electrician who should be able to safely replace the plug.....
My fan works on 1 2 4 and not 3 (or any other strange combination)
First off check the plug again also the plug behind the heater control panel on the dash (might be easier to remove the radio and cage to get your hands in (beware of sharp objects and expect to bleed)
If all secure chances are the risistor pack has failed...
This is clipped in the air duct (which helps cool it)

(marked B in the above picture)
according to Cinqster355
if your plug is dead get yourself to a Vauxhall dealer :yuck: and order part number # 95508692
And a thanks to Cinqster355 Magic Johnson and excession for their input on the forum and the pictures they posted which i have shamelessly stolen
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