The Heater FAQ...........

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The Heater FAQ...........

Apr 30, 2006
East Yorkshire
There seems to be a fair few questions on the forum about this so here goes..............

My fan doesn't work:

After checking the relevent fuses (check handbook for fuse locations) on the s1 model the fuse is here:
heater fuse.JPG

First things first check the fan motor...

(Im pinching a few members photos hope they dont mind :devil:)


Its up under the glove box removal guide here:

Check the wires are secure and the plug is inserted into the motor and not been tugged out by a passenger kicking his / her feet about in the foot well.... (plug is marked A in the picture below)

If that doesn't do any good use a multi meter to test for voltage and ground at the plug with the blower turned on.....

regardless of what fan speed you have unless its turned off it will show 12v or so (this is due to the characteristic that the volt meter doesn't draw any power as you would expect it to be a lower voltage on speed 1 getting higher as you go up to 4..... you can test this however with a 12v test light..... it should get brighter as you speed it up.... (Obviously you need the ignition on to test it.)

Anyway if you have 12v and ground at the fan but no spinning fan its safe to say its the motor so either get a new fan or attempt to strip the motor down and clean the armature and brushes. (something ive never done but apparently it is possible) by remove the 2 screws at end of motor and it separates from casing so u can easily clean brushes/slip rings,



And check the condition of the brushes fiat dont list a replacement set so if worn it looks like a new fan unit :bang: unless you can find some 12v brushes that fit

An added test would be to hook the fan up to a 12v supply directly and see if it spins (mind your fingers!)

My Fan only works on speed #4

There are several things that can cause this.........

first off check the multi plug on the resistor pack


(marked B) check this for any burning or melting of both the plug and the wires

damage such as this:





if this has happened the safest solution is a new loom AND resistor but it does require pulling a fair bit of the car apart to do...

You can pick a new loom up for about £55 on the bay of e and other online parts suppliers.... make sure you get the modified one which has better wiring apparently


Also ensure you get the correct one (depends if you have A/C or not)

Also whilst your at this point its worth replacing the resistor pack at the same time for the sake of £20, as these can cause the over heating issue so you will be doing the work again in a few months time otherwise.......

Or visit a decent Automotive electrician who should be able to safely replace the plug.....

My fan works on 1 2 4 and not 3 (or any other strange combination)

First off check the plug again also the plug behind the heater control panel on the dash (might be easier to remove the radio and cage to get your hands in (beware of sharp objects and expect to bleed)

If all secure chances are the risistor pack has failed...

This is clipped in the air duct (which helps cool it)


(marked B in the above picture)


according to Cinqster355

if your plug is dead get yourself to a Vauxhall dealer :yuck: and order part number # 95508692


And a thanks to Cinqster355 Magic Johnson and excession for their input on the forum and the pictures they posted which i have shamelessly stolen (y)
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"Fan only works on position 4 problem" on Grand Punto 1.3 diesel model 2008 is the same...but pin 4 (the burnt out one in the picture) has no connection to the resistor - just 1,2,3, and 5. Looks electrically sound there. :mad: Back to the drawing board and all ideas welcome! Worth resting the resistor? Switch maybe?
No evidence of heat damage to the connector but put it back together and all 4 fan positions work fine!:)
Does anyone have a part number or link to the modified wiring loom for standard fan, I have the problem of burnt wires to the plug under the passenger footwell, the plug is not damaged, so I Stripped the burnt insulation off and wrapped the two burnt wires with insulation tape, individually of course, but they are getting very hot, so I'm guessing I'll have to replace the loom, or would that Vauxhall plug do the trick for me to splice the wires into? Also, is there a reason as to why the wires are so hot,do I need to check or replace anything else..Thanks in advance

Edit: after a little more digging, I'm presuming my resistor pack may be to blame, found a seller on eBay who sells the wiring harness repair kit plus resistor pack for £35,this looks like this is my option.
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Check the fan motor, they can start to seize putting a heavy draw on currant. Take it out and oil the bushings.
Excellent guide , I have the burnt plug wires so have ordered an eBay kit for corsa connector and resister for £25 . The heater would not work at all for me.
I also removed the fan as I found I did not have a pollen filter fitted and found a few leaves in the fan but nothing dramatic so will remove it again, only 3 screws and look to oil the bushings mentioned earlier.
Big thank you I will confirm the fix hopefully next week
All fixed now the resister was not coming out until I happened to move it sideways and it came outveasy then.
Messed about by the eBay seller, they only sent the resistor and then offered £10 off. But I reordered the parts separately and got them slightly cheaper, will get my money and postage cost back.

Just to repeat easy to use and really helpful guide
Glad I found this post.
The fan had failed on my son in laws 2007 Punto. Fuse ok so went straight to the connector going into the heater duct and the embedded resistor pack. The front of the connector block was ok but the rear showed a small amount of heat effects. Then pulled out the embedded resistor which looked ok.

So my fix just needed some cleaning of the terminals that were slightly corroded. Then proved the fix by connecting the loose resistor to the connector block and the fan fired up. By the way, the resistor gets very hot so some cooling time was necessary before putting it back into the ducting. Once in the ducting the connector block was fitted back and everything is ok.

But probably the resistor is on its last legs so a new one is needed. Also advised son in law to run it on higher speeds to reduce the load on the resistor.
Job well done !
I just want to add that the resistor block, when in place, is cooled by the air flow, so Don't bother too much about it getting very hot when out of the duct …

BRs, Bernie

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Grande Punto 56 reg
I cannot unplug connector to Heater blower (under glove box to right)
Are there lugs to hold down or a screw
Perhaps it has fused on because of heat??
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Picked up a Grande Punto last week, and one of the first issues I faced, was the fan would only run on setting 4

Had same issue as yourself, where it would not unplug, but with some gentle persuasion (brute force and ignorance), I managed to rip the plug apart from the resistor socket!

Needless to say, the whole thing is a total mess, as I can't even make out how many connectors are damaged due to them all being a fused mass.

Anyway, brought it for the NCT (National Car Test)/ MOT this evening, and it failed on no licence plate bulbs, and 2 broken front springs and an advisory on the heater/demister, so I will be attempting to tackle it shortly
So, I ordered a replacement resistor and a plug with trailing leads to tackle this job
When I finally got in and saw how bad the original one was, I was glad I got both parts!

I cut off the original plug, stripped back the ends of the wires, and crimped on some spade connectors, more connectors on the new plug, and then changed the resistor and fan is now working 100%!

Thanks to everybody here in the forum for all the info they provide, and help make life so easy working on any Fiat!

Link to the items purchased:


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Today I noticed that my fan wasn't working at all.
I have a GP 2006 with climate control so I wondered if I could solve it myself
I first removed the glovebox and the Blue and me box so I had some extra workspace.
Removed all the cables and noticed that my resistorpack is part of a aluminium housing which is mounted on the vent housing with cooling ribs on top.
Then I connected 12V directly to the motor connection and discovered intermittent turning on the blower motor and sometimes no turning it all.
So after releasing two other M4 bolts I managed to get the motor out of the housing.
One of the brushes was stucked due to debris and moisture probably from wet leaves etc.
So after cleaning and make some space for the brushes (you can release the brush spring and lock the spring on the edge.) The brushes were moving quit well again.
Also cleaned the rotor with fine sandpaper.
Fitting all together and a second test on external battery showed a fast spinning heater fan again :)

Putting all back in reversed order to the car and now heater fan is spinning as it should.

Thank you all for sharing, this also helped me solving heater fan issue without any cost.
Only some free labour :)
Heating fan not working Cannot unplug connector block under glove box. In the past used to wiggle this about then heater started to work. Would it be good idea to take glove box off?
The plug needs some encouragement
But the real problem with these cars (Punto/Mito) is the motor deteriorates and puts too much load on the connections. They overheat and so rewiring is only a temporary fix. Fortunately, the motors are quite cheap.
Today I noticed that my fan wasn't working at all.
I have a GP 2006 with climate control so I wondered if I could solve it myself
I first removed the glovebox and the Blue and Me box so I had some extra workspace.

One of the brushes was stucked due to debris and moisture probably from wet leaves etc.
So after cleaning and make some space for the brushes (you can release the brush spring and lock the spring on the edge.) The brushes were moving quit well again.
Also cleaned the rotor with fine sandpaper.
Fitting all together and a second test on external battery showed a fast spinning heater fan again :)
Yesterday the same thing happened. So I had to do it all over again, but I removed the brushes and could clean them better now. Also sanding the rotor with some fine sandpaper should help.
I hope things will be solved for a longer time now.
Heating fan not working Cannot unplug connector block under glove box. In the past used to wiggle this about then heater started to work. Would it be good idea to take glove box off?

My heater has stopped working too recently, just at the investing stage atm, but I've found there is a small clip on the resistor wire you need to depress before it will come out, or is it the connector to the motor itself? Theres an awesome guide on here to remove the motor itself.looks pretty straight forward, this is my next move see what's going on with it.
Has anyone got any experience with dampness in the motor itself? Many thanks