Technical Water damage & Wiring Loom...

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Technical Water damage & Wiring Loom...

Hey guys,

Just thought i would update. :)

I went to the garage in East Kilbride as suggested and the problem is now sorted for only £108!!!

A piece of wiring was cut out and hey presto!! No more ABS light, and no battery problems either, I couldn't be happier!!! :D
will add the lad who owns cm garage in east kilbride is an ex DET from the local fiat franchise ..have never used him myself ,but is good to know there is a local independent who doesn't appear to be dear and knows fiats inside out ..and has posted his certificates on his website you confidence owning a fiat in this area knowing there is a good garage if required ...
Hi there!

I bought my first ever car and Fiat 4 short weeks ago. grande punto - reg is aug 2008, done 27,000 miles.

Horrified last week to find the ABS light on and "unavailable" on the dash.

Same story as others :( - to the nearest Fiat dealer, the wiring loom is corroded and broken.

I was quoted 600 for the loom, plus 6 - 8 hours labour.

It's in the third year of its warranty and surprise surprise, wiring looms are not covered! :mad:

Am I right in saying that this is a design flaw?
And, I was told that they could cut out the bad bit but "it might not last very long". Is the "cut out on the cheap" job a good idea?

Any thoughts on the above and any advice would be really really appreciated!

Thank you

- Black Sheep.
Bit worried after reading the stories in this thread! does anyone have images of where exactly these parts are and know of any way to cover them up to protect them from water damage?

Even just explaining the location would be good so i can have a look please!
1) did you buy it from garage or private?
2) is warranty in your name?
3) if loom was repaired and you had a crash and it was believed the repair was at fault would you sue the repairer for damages or worse? If a viable repair can be carried out then fine but if in any loom.
Hysteria time, a handful of reports in how many GP's sold in the UK?

Lmao, so true :eek: Just when you see something like that you think the worst! Could water damage to the alternator lead to the car not wanting to start first time after a few hours of sitting btw?

Just wondering as mine often does this..takes 2 or 3 seconds to start after being sat, not necessarily in the cold either :confused:.
1) did you buy it from garage or private?
Seat Dealer

2) is warranty in your name?

Yes, I transferred the remaining Fiat warranty to my name. The Garage has given me an extra 3 month warranty after the Fiat one ends in Aug, but this also does not cover wiring (not really surprised about that though)

3) if loom was repaired and you had a crash and it was believed the repair was at fault would you sue the repairer for damages or worse? If a viable repair can be carried out then fine but if in any loom.

Legal claims and all that sort almost always cost more time and money than what they are worth.. IMHO.. from the little I know of legal things!. So no. and fair point.

Another question regarding the MOT: It was MOT'd the week I got it - the ABS failed 3 weeks after that.
I dont have any arguement over their MOT do I? I would guess that as it was working when the MOT was done, I have no comeback there?

Thank you.
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Lmao, so true :eek: Just when you see something like that you think the worst! Could water damage to the alternator lead to the car not wanting to start first time after a few hours of sitting btw?

Just wondering as mine often does this..takes 2 or 3 seconds to start after being sat, not necessarily in the cold either :confused:.

car not wanting to start (1.2 or 1.4?) then I would look closely at the air temp sensor.
1) did you buy it from garage or private?
Seat Dealer

2) is warranty in your name?

Yes, I transferred the remaining Fiat warranty to my name. The Garage has given me an extra 3 month warranty after the Fiat one ends in Aug, but this also does not cover wiring (not really surprised about that though)

3) if loom was repaired and you had a crash and it was believed the repair was at fault would you sue the repairer for damages or worse? If a viable repair can be carried out then fine but if in any loom.

Legal claims and all that sort almost always cost more time and money than what they are worth.. IMHO.. from the little I know of legal things!. So no. and fair point.

Another question regarding the MOT: It was MOT'd the week I got it - the ABS failed 3 weeks after that.
I dont have any arguement over their MOT do I? I would guess that as it was working when the MOT was done, I have no comeback there?

Thank you.

I believe the Seat dealer you got it from is responsible for 3 months (trade descriptions sales of goods etc)
Its a 1.9 sporting, sorry I should have said!

EDIT: had a look at that link and this > Struggling to start when cold, Poor fuel economy your MAP could be on the blink.

sounds exactly like mine grrr! its not just when cold though it takes a few ticks over even when ive been at work through the day and its sunny outside..also my average mpg over the last 1000 ish miles has only been 33mpg and thats low for the 1.9 sporting isnt it? Im not the most efficient driver but still...
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All, so quite a few people complaining about water damage to the wiring loom.

Where does the issue span from? Is it passenger side drainage tube draining onto the fuse box? Or is inside the scuttle pannel where the wires sit?
I really pushed for mine to be done under warranty and got it....simply because it was dangerous. The wiring is not the problem it was corroded at the ABS plug, which in my mind and in my argument I suggested should not happen to any car, let alone one which was under three years old.

And they did it as a "good will gesture"