Mine has just been fitted with two screws.
Honestly can't say i'm that worried about it really.
Honestly can't say i'm that worried about it really.
£270 according to ePer...Lol, How much do you think a new tailgate will cost themsilly billies
£270 according to ePer...
gawd some people moan about the sillyest of things, the car aint gonna be a wreck in 20years time because of 2 little screw holes? ive had many number plates fall off my seicento using 3m sticky pads the bass from my car shakes them off, best way is to screw them on that way saves paying £10 for a new plate each time they decide to fall off
im not such a person to buy a new car because as soon as its off the forecourt it looses value straight away
and i couldnt really care less if i had a new car and the numberplates screwed on its on isnt it? so why mess with it
point is the dealer hasnt followd the instructions on how to secure the plates properly....
but they aint going to buy a new bootlid so get over it
gawd some people moan about the sillyest of things, the car aint gonna be a wreck in 20years time because of 2 little screw holes? ive had many number plates fall off my seicento using 3m sticky pads the bass from my car shakes them off, best way is to screw them on that way saves paying £10 for a new plate each time they decide to fall off
Well either way do you really think Fiat will agree to spending a minimum of £600 - £700 for a couple of small holes that are hidden by the number plate?
They might not have much choice :devil:
Legally, they could just stand back - it was the dealer that didn't follow the fitting instructions, not Fiat. My concern is if you ever had to make an anti corrosion warranty claim, the incorrect fitting of the plates may invalidate a claim for a defect somewhere else on the vehicle.
Had a similar issue with a Ka where being a week late getting the car serviced (and paint condition checked), apparently "invalidated" a subsequent claim against rot on the tailgate. Chuffed, not.