General Warning! check your Panda

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General Warning! check your Panda

I have 4 screws in my rear number plate........a Colliers number plate.
Mine had the 2 screws only, didn't really bother me TBH.

Changed the plate and the screw holes had been treated so just used sticky pads to stick the new one.

The front one was screwed too, I've screwed the new one too but used random spots on the number plate so the front bumper will have 4 screw holes now but I'm not bothered, the plate covers the old holes and nobody will probably ever see them again for a long time.
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gawd some people moan about the sillyest of things, the car aint gonna be a wreck in 20years time because of 2 little screw holes? ive had many number plates fall off my seicento using 3m sticky pads the bass from my car shakes them off, best way is to screw them on that way saves paying £10 for a new plate each time they decide to fall off

Tell you what, you buy a brand new car from the factory drill a couple of holes in the tailgate (a metal panel not just in the plastic bumper like the Sie, cinq or classic panda) show me the photographic proof that you have done so, or drive it up here and I will willingly drill a couple of holes in a metal panel for you, then tell me that I'm moaning about something silly.

If you look closely the panel has already begin to rust. As said there is virtually no rust on my 19 yr old sisley, I'm also currently taking steps to remove every bit of rust on my 18yr old Italia 90, so why should I accept rust on a car just run in. I look after all of my cars and constantly take care of them so there are no rust patches whether seen or not. Just cause the No plate is in front of it doesn't make it less rusty.
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im not such a person to buy a new car because as soon as its off the forecourt it looses value straight away

and i couldnt really care less if i had a new car and the numberplates screwed on its on isnt it? so why mess with it
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Neither am I, I've had lots of nearly new cars but this is the first direct from the factory car I've had, which is more reason why I want it to be perfect or at least how it should be....

Second part I'm not sure what you mean? I bought new number plates for it with the scotland flag etc and found the screw holes when changing them over if that's what you are saying/wondering.
gawd some people moan about the sillyest of things, the car aint gonna be a wreck in 20years time because of 2 little screw holes? ive had many number plates fall off my seicento using 3m sticky pads the bass from my car shakes them off, best way is to screw them on that way saves paying £10 for a new plate each time they decide to fall off

point is gazz, thats the best part of £6-9k of someones hard earned, gone into something they cherish, wether it's "just" a little damage like this, or over a grands worth like the mrs has just had on hers, it's still wrong, esp when as you say, it was so easy to do it right, and full instructions on how to are actually delivered with the car

even the age of the car makes no diff, my uno is a 20 year old ****box, but it's my 20 year old ****box, and someone else doing something to her is an affront to me, just as i'm sure if some miscreant were to mess around with your car.......

and yes we will moan, we will complain, why put up with bad work? once again a dealer, or one of their staff have let the side down. we look like a bunch of dicks when we recommend these cars to people, and then they get poor service
Thanks Jai.

Just one other thing, the reason for the post initially was to ensure that those that do decide to finally buy a brand new car by forking out that little extra money to have something that they want to cherish from new doesnt have the same done to them and can speak to the dealer before delivery to ensure that the job is done correctly in the first place.
Mines been done using the top two holes so that's fine. my old 04 1.2 has been drilled.
Personally I would accept it rather than push for a new tailgate. I've never seen a repaired paint job ever look as good as factory paint. It'll probably be full of machined swirly marks and they might even talk about wanting to blend the colour into the rear wings. So something that let's face it you don't see would probably become more of an issue.
Well either way do you really think Fiat will agree to spending a minimum of £600 - £700 for a couple of small holes that are hidden by the number plate? it does'nt matter how old the car is, damage a door for example and the paint shop tend to blend the adjoining panels in.
They might not have much choice :devil:

Legally, they could just stand back - it was the dealer that didn't follow the fitting instructions, not Fiat. My concern is if you ever had to make an anti corrosion warranty claim, the incorrect fitting of the plates may invalidate a claim for a defect somewhere else on the vehicle.

Had a similar issue with a Ka where being a week late getting the car serviced (and paint condition checked), apparently "invalidated" a subsequent claim against rot on the tailgate. Chuffed, not.
Legally, they could just stand back - it was the dealer that didn't follow the fitting instructions, not Fiat. My concern is if you ever had to make an anti corrosion warranty claim, the incorrect fitting of the plates may invalidate a claim for a defect somewhere else on the vehicle.

Had a similar issue with a Ka where being a week late getting the car serviced (and paint condition checked), apparently "invalidated" a subsequent claim against rot on the tailgate. Chuffed, not.

Alan, you making note? More in your defence of why you should be given a new tail gate rather than the current repaired (y)
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