500 (Classic) Topolino

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500 (Classic) Topolino


New member
Dec 5, 2017
Hi All

I own 2 Fiat Topolinos down in Sunny Malta. One is a Giardiniera Belvedere which is being restored and a Convertibile which is fully restored.
One one of them I have good oil pressure which tends to lower when reving up.
Does anybody have this problem or know why this happens, or what can be done.
Gerald :)


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!st of all, my apologies for the slow response to your query, but I seem to have problems when trying to put lengthy answers onto the forum--when I try and put them through, they just "blow out"--very frustrating.
The fact that one of your cars is a Belvedere means that it must be a 500C, with the OHV engine (as against the side-valve engine in the 500A). Which of your 2 cars is giving you the problem? What does the oil-pressure drop to when you rev the engine? What oil are you using in the engines? Castrol used to recommend (for overseas use) Castrol XL for when the ambient temperature was over 50deg F, and Castrolit for below 50deg F. The sump capacity of the side-valve engine was 4 pints/2.27ltr. The fact that you have good pressure initially (should be about 35psi//2.5kg/cm when engine running normally) would normally indicate that your bearings are in good condition. Overfilling the sump with oil can, strangely produce a similar effect (ask M/Benz about their 2.5ltr 5 cylinder diesels) because as you rev up, the crank thrashes the engine oil and put lots of air bubbles into it. Another cause could be worn teeth in the oil-pump, but again, you are getting good initial pressure. I honestly don't think that whether you still have 'white-metal' bearings or have converted it to 'shell' bearings will have any bearing (oops,) on the problem.
I have a 'pukka' factory workshop manual for the 500a/500B and 500C--sadly in French as that was all Fiat England could find for me--many years ago when I was an apprentice, my first car was 2 500As, stripped to bare chassis and then built into 1 car--I have a very soft spot for the Topolino. keep us informed as to how you get on.:bang::confused:
I have just had another look through the Topolino workshop manual (things one will do to get away fro 'er indoors lists!)----The 500B/C OHV engine has a 'remove and cleanout' oil filter right/front side of the engine, with what looks like a spring loaded 'relief-valve' in it (my French is rubbish)--check that spring isn't broken/weak, because if it is, that might be 'relieving' the oil pressure when you rev the engine as more pressure is put into it (as a result of revving the engine). being that both your engines are the OHV type, try swapping the filter unit and then see if the fault transfers from the 'faulty' engine into the 'good' engine---just a thought!:idea::)
!st of all, my apologies for the slow response to your query, but I seem to have problems when trying to put lengthy answers onto the forum--when I try and put them through, they just "blow out"--very frustrating.
The fact that one of your cars is a Belvedere means that it must be a 500C, with the OHV engine (as against the side-valve engine in the 500A). Which of your 2 cars is giving you the problem? What does the oil-pressure drop to when you rev the engine? What oil are you using in the engines? Castrol used to recommend (for overseas use) Castrol XL for when the ambient temperature was over 50deg F, and Castrolit for below 50deg F. The sump capacity of the side-valve engine was 4 pints/2.27ltr. The fact that you have good pressure initially (should be about 35psi//2.5kg/cm when engine running normally) would normally indicate that your bearings are in good condition. Overfilling the sump with oil can, strangely produce a similar effect (ask M/Benz about their 2.5ltr 5 cylinder diesels) because as you rev up, the crank thrashes the engine oil and put lots of air bubbles into it. Another cause could be worn teeth in the oil-pump, but again, you are getting good initial pressure. I honestly don't think that whether you still have 'white-metal' bearings or have converted it to 'shell' bearings will have any bearing (oops,) on the problem.
I have a 'pukka' factory workshop manual for the 500a/500B and 500C--sadly in French as that was all Fiat England could find for me--many years ago when I was an apprentice, my first car was 2 500As, stripped to bare chassis and then built into 1 car--I have a very soft spot for the Topolino. keep us informed as to how you get on.:bang::confused:
my 500c is the same ,starting up really high pressure .then drops to about 20 when worm .


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