So, Thursday morning, as in yesterday, I went off to the RR with a Cinq in tow. Man came out to meet me, and said.
'Come on out and have your laugh', but.... as he approached the car he said 'Nice looking wee car'.
I thought, progress.
I unloaded the car and had a brief chat about the Mundano with TBs that was already on the rollers.
He explained to me that the Mundano was not supposed to be there, it was an OMEX equipped car. but none of the sensors were wired up correctly!! It should have been finished on the Wednesday.
I explained that I wasn't that bothered about timing, but he assured me he would phone me later in the day.
On the way home I popped in to see what was doing and the bloody Mundano was still on the rollers.
I overheard the conversation about needing the head lifted and a new exhaust and though, oops, thats been a bad day then.
Needless to say mine hadn't been touched, but I again expressed the view that next week would be fine for mine and not to rush it.
Still no call today either, so I might pop in on the way home tonight, if I get away from work on time.