Technical What's on the other side (Engine bay side) of this rusted area in my footwell?

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Technical What's on the other side (Engine bay side) of this rusted area in my footwell?


Oct 15, 2024
Early model Seicento Sporting, Fire 1.1.

Can anyone tell me what's on the other side of this rusted area in my driver's side footwell, and what I would need to remove to access it from the engine compartment?

The rust is just above the accelerator pedal, that big spring is on the brake pedal.

I think that maybe the rusted spot is somewhere under the battery tray but I don't want to randomly start taking things out in case I can't get them back in.

rust1 - Copy.jpg
Seicento Sporting, Fire 1.1
If I were you, I'd just take off the right front wheel and take out the mud guard, (likely that the water in your footwell you were talking about on another thread comes from this rusted spot). I think it will point itself out when you just have a look.
If I were you, I'd just take off the right front wheel and take out the mud guard, (likely that the water in your footwell you were talking about on another thread comes from this rusted spot). I think it will point itself out when you just have a look.
Yes, this is the source of the water. It's in the engine bay under the battery tray, which I couldn't find a way to remove. The water was dripping through in an area that was hidden under the dashboard which is why I couldn't find it before
Yes, this is the source of the water. It's in the engine bay under the battery tray, which I couldn't find a way to remove. The water was dripping through in an area that was hidden under the dashboard which is why I couldn't find it before
The battery tray isn't removable, it's spot welded to the body of the car, I'd take the right front wheel off and the mudguard out and have a look
The battery tray isn't removable, it's spot welded to the body of the car, I'd take the right front wheel off and the mudguard out and have a look
It's under the tray, so it's still blocked from easy access with the wheel off. I'd need to remove the break to get enough elbow room to weld a patch, and I'm not confident at I could fit the break back in place afterwards anyway, at least I wouldn't feel safe driving it.

The cost of getting a professional in to do a weld would be more than the cost of the vehicle. So I'm going to use a brush on rust pickling and then fill and prime the hole.
You mean you'd have to remove disk and caliper? Or you mean master cylinder? The second one is way higer up I believe...
I don't know enough to answer that question so I definitely don't know enough to be removing it.

If can't name it I probably should mess with it, and I'm not going to risk messing with the breaks over a bit of rust in a non structural panel.