Technical Steering wheel buttons and horn stopped working

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Technical Steering wheel buttons and horn stopped working


New member
Jan 17, 2020
Hello all, I'm new to this forum, so please be gentle! I've had my '58 Punto 1.4 Active for just over a year (many years ago I bought a N reg Mk1 brand new but I like this one better!)
Anyway, a couple of months ago, the buttons on the steering wheel that control the radio etc stopped working. Not too much of a problem. Then a few weeks later the airbag warning light started coming on. Last week, the horn stopped working.

I've read through the threads on the forum and I can see a few other similar posts, but nothing completely explaining the problem. There's mention of the clockspring but I don't know what that is - I'm guessing some sort of slip ring inside the wheel? If that's the likely cause, is it something I can fix myself? The MoT is due soon so I need to get it fixed.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.
It is something you can fix yourself, you need to take the steering wheel off. The clock spring is a coil of ribbon wire inside a plastic case that is loosely coiled. When you turn the steering one way it tightens up and when you steer the other is unreal but it never needs to go further than full lock which ever way you steer so keeps the electrical contact at all times.

Take the steering wheel off and the clock spring is the black plastic circular housing immediately behind it. Make sure you take the steering wheel off straight and then you get get it back on in the same position.

You’ll need to take the plastic trims around the steering column, and you’ll need a set of torq screwdrivers/bits
This ribbon wire carries ALL the electric signals from the rotating part (the steering wheel) to the fixed one (the chassis), it can deteriorate gradually, that's why you saw problems coming up one after another...

You'l have to remove the wheel's airbag to access the wheel nut for removal ! Since this is an explosive (and sensitive) material, it is recommended (I'd say mandatory) to first disconnect the battery. I'd add wearing a grounding strap... The airbag is held by 2 spring clips that you can release from behind the wheel throug 2 tiny holes (see picture). Once removed; store it in a safe place while you work the clock spring stuff.

BRs, Bernie

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Everything explained well by others already.
Disconnecting battery and wait for 10 minutes is for your own safety!

Some extra tips and hints:

I just replied on another thread within the Grande Punto part of this forum how to easy remove airbag.
See :

When you removed the airbag and disconnected al wires you can also remove the steering wheel.
Please make sure the steering wheel is in the centered position with wheels straight.
e-learning documentation is quite good.

When you are searching for a replacement stalk unit, make sure you purchase the right one (with extra wires in the clock spring for the radio and phone buttons on the steering wheel.)
For my GP 1.4 8V make 2006 the part number 735410423 was the right one.
I don't have Cruise Control!
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thanks everyone for your helpful advice. I'll give it a go once i can source a replacement. I haven't seen any new ones on ebay, and a second hand one probably doesn't make sense if its possible that might fail too. Any tips on where to get one? Also, do I need to buy it with the stalks as well, or just the clockspring unit?

thanks again(y)
Buy a second hand one, they actually rarely go wrong you’ve just been unlucky. Also you don’t need any stalks or such it should be it’s own little unit. Just bear in mind they are sometimes called a “squib”

This is because when they do break they cause an airbag error that shows as a squib connection fault the squib being the explosive charge in the airbag, but because changing this clock spring fixed the “squib” fault some idiots still think it’s called a squib
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thanks everyone for your helpful advice. I'll give it a go once i can source a replacement. I haven't seen any new ones on ebay, and a second hand one probably doesn't make sense if its possible that might fail too. Any tips on where to get one? Also, do I need to buy it with the stalks as well, or just the clockspring unit?

thanks again(y)

I am not sure if you can buy the clockspring part separately.
In that case you will have to open your old stalk unit and put the new upper part with the clock spring. So my advice is to replace the whole unit.
(I did combine old and new unit but my clockspring was still ok but the turning light stalk did not return ok)

I am not exactly sure about your GP model and is left hand steering the same as right hand steering module ?
In case it is, this part number I already mentioned, did give some results on ebay:

Brand new from Italy!
(this one is for cars without Cruise Control)
Codice ricambio originale OE/OEM: 735521315, 735471936, 735410423, 735521315 0, 7354719360, 7354104230

Disclaimer for compatibility !
Please check the part number on top of your current stalk unit.
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thanks again everyone. It seems to be easier to replace it with the stalks anyway and there is a second hand on on ebay at the moment, so I'll let you know how it goes.
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Hi all, managed to obtain a replacement set of stalks and clockspring, but then the horn started working again, so I thought I'd leave it for a while. Then it stopped again. Now its working again but, as the world has stopped, I'll be giving it a go this afternoon. I'll tell you how it went.
Well, that didn't go well.... a pain to get it all apart, especially the steering wheel cover, but the real problem is that the replacement is different to mine. Not sure if its from a different model - I don't think so as it looks virtually identical other than the connector for the wiring is at the bottom rather then the top and therefore it won't fit back together unless I put the steering wheel back on upside down...
In the pic my original is at the top and the replacement below

Is this something that can be corrected or have I just got the wrong one?



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Yep, part numbers etc are all identical. I'm thinking that whoever removed the replacement I have, didn't have the front wheels pointing straight ahead when they did so.

So, my plan is this - put just the steering when back on and then turn it though 180 degrees so the wheel is upside down. Then re-assemble so that when I turn the steering wheel back the right way up, the wheels will be straight ahead.
I doubt this will work, but its worth a try. and there's nothing else to do at the moment...
Carefully rotate the inner part CW (clockwise) untill you "feel" it becomes tighter, then turn in CCW (counterCW) and count the turns untill it gets "harder". Then get the inner part "in the middle of the range" or so; the holes must be aligned as on the top picture, this is where the original lock is installed ... O course the wheels must be straight !

BRs, Bernie

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Followed Plan A. Quite simple really, just turned the wheels so the steering wheel was upside down then fitted it all back together. Turned the steering wheel the right way up so the wheels are pointing straight, started it up and everything works as it should. Feeling quite smug now!

Bernievarian - I was replacing the whole unit with the stalks etc and I guess there wasn't any way to rotate the actual clockspring without taking it apart.
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My car has been getting asr errors and hill holder control and check steering, and the c0051 and c1002 but now i dont have also the steering buttons working , can be this related to clockspring? Or no chance? Best regards