Technical Steering Columns

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Technical Steering Columns


Jan 30, 2023
San Jose, California
Hi All,

Finally getting round to collecting parts to make my little '67 F into a beastie. One of my problems is the steering column/front suspension

The last owner installed a 126 rack and steering column with this weld in frame that works, but is janky. See picture

Am hoping to upgrade the front suspension to independent, and this looks to interfere with the brackets from Ricambio or D'Angelo

So I'm looking for advice to do one of the following:
1. Does anyone have a stock steering column available? I'm thinking of just going back to the stock system and doing the independent front suspension

2. Suggestions for using the 126 column and rack in a better fashion? Is there something that'll bolt to the bulkhead like the origional & doesn't require steering column modifications?

3. Does anyone have a stock steering column & boxes? I'm in California but super happy to ship it here

Thanks in advance
Hi All,

Finally getting round to collecting parts to make my little '67 F into a beastie. One of my problems is the steering column/front suspension

The last owner installed a 126 rack and steering column with this weld in frame that works, but is janky. See picture View attachment 438603

Am hoping to upgrade the front suspension to independent, and this looks to interfere with the brackets from Ricambio or D'Angelo

So I'm looking for advice to do one of the following:
1. Does anyone have a stock steering column available? I'm thinking of just going back to the stock system and doing the independent front suspension

2. Suggestions for using the 126 column and rack in a better fashion? Is there something that'll bolt to the bulkhead like the origional & doesn't require steering column modifications?

3. Does anyone have a stock steering column & boxes? I'm in California but super happy to ship it here

Thanks in advance
I can put you in contact with a guy who can supply a MUCH better, and neater, rack-mount For the 126 rack). It is a complete unit with welded on mounting points for the rack and it secures tothe 6 studs that normally the steering-box and idler are secured to. To my knowledge ANY conversion to R & P steering requires the steering column to be modified (shortened) and the 126 short steering strut with an U/J at both ends inserted between the modified column and the 126 rack. This rack-mount will NOT interfere with any cross-member used in conjunction with lower wish-bones. If you want some pictures of this rack-mount, contact me direct---
With regard to 'wishbone' front suspension (aka 'independent') I can also put you in contact with a guy in the UK who is making STRONG cross-member/lower-wish-bone units. Initially they seem heavy, but the cross member is in fact the same weight as the original spring. I have one of these unots fitted to my car and have had NO problems with it at all.
Just being nosey---but what the heck are those little red spring clamps for?