When you feel a little calmer, try to consider how it happened.
Was the car reversing from a drive opposite, in which case he should be easy to find.
Is there any paint on your car from the other vehicle, to give a clue to its colour.
After a collision it is a legal requirement to stop and exchange details. This has not been done. If the other driver was unable to exchange details, he is legally obliged to report the collision to the police. He may have done this, but the police will not come looking for you with the good news. As your vehicle has been involved in a collision, and no details were exchanged, you should also report it to the police today. Must be within 24 hours of the collision. The perpetrator commits an offence if he does not report it. So if he is later identified, he can be prosecuted.
Report the matter to the police, then if the other driver does the same, then they will advise you.
Is this on a quiet road, or a busy one? If a quiet road, the damage is likely to have been done by another resident, or regular visitor. Have a walk up the road and see if you can spot a car with damage that might match yours.
You might try a flyer drop. Create a note on the PC, along the lines of "last night between the hours of ... & ..., my orange Punto car was hit by another vehicle, possibly a 'colour' one (if there's paint evidence). If anyone has any details please contact me at... or phone ..." Make four from each A4 sheet and pop them in the letterboxes along the street. Both directions, they could have been arriving or leaving. If you think this may help.