Technical Replacing boot glass using a scrap yard part?

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Technical Replacing boot glass using a scrap yard part?

Mar 13, 2008
North West

Do you think it would be possible to remove boot glass from a scrap car using, fishing line or something to cut it out. Then clean it up, then slice mine out in the same way and fit the scrap replacement.

Anyone tried it before? Any advice?

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yea mate i replaced my rear glass wot u need is sum wire i used piano wire the only thing that is tricky is getting it through the sealant.i heated up a very fine sowing needle and pushed it through.then all u do is a sawing movement bac and forward and it will cut through lovely just take your time as its easy to bust the glass(y)
Why do you need to replace it Ady? I thought about replacing mine as some of the wires in the heating element have burnt out.

Let me know how much of a git it is and whether it's worth attempting
Why do you need to replace it Ady? I thought about replacing mine as some of the wires in the heating element have burnt out.

Let me know how much of a git it is and whether it's worth attempting
Ill let you know how it goes. First I need to find one in a scrap yard.

The whole reason behind it is I want to fit a spoiler without using glue. Autoglass want £270 for the right glass but I dont want to pay that much. I think getting something from a scrap yard would be the best solution. Well for me anyway. If my paint code was not so rare I could just get an entire bootlid.

Edit: Ive seen heating element repair liquid in motorfactors if that helps duggers
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you need sumone inside the car to pull the wire like a sawing action keeping the wire tite and just go easy takes no time at all.when u refit the new one make sure you get as much off the old seaer off. i use sikaflex to put the new screens in but be carefulll it get everywere(y)
I didnt have much luck at the local scrap yards today. Only one had a boot lid with the right glass and strangely it looked DIY the sealer was plastered everywhere. It was a white boot lid with a HGT badge. The bloke wanted £50 quid for the full boot lid wouldnt let me take just the glass and leave the lid (n)

If anyone has boot glass that will take a spoiler I will buy it. This is at the top of my list of things todo now.
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what is difrence between a mk1 an mk2 sunroof?
Mk2 has a slimmer seal round the glass like this, unless its just a different rubber seal. Mk1 has a massive rubbish rubber seal.

The sultans pic, hope he dont mind me using it.

I really dont want to just bond my spoiler. There is not much surface for it to bond to it will be holding onto paint and some glass.
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Could be either On a V but yours is a 1.2 right Dave?
If so it is a Mk2 because 1.2's where introduced when everything went Mk2

Im not 100% sure the sunroof changed between Mk's it might have just been revised but the one pictured is the one I want.