remember that guy detailing his brand new VXR?

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remember that guy detailing his brand new VXR?

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not sure what to make of it tbh... i wanna say hes a cock for wasting so much of his life cleaning cars but the results are amazing, and on detailing world even the average day or 2 detail most will find really anal.

hes a perfectionist and takes things above how the average person cleans their car and how the average detailer cleans theirs too...

and tbh i like the attention to detail with the badges and the install(y)
Its still a Vauxhaul, no matter how hard you clean it.

LOL too true

I have enormous respect for him, the hours put into that are crazy, and its looks amazing. I just know my girlfriend would disown me if i spent anywhere near that much time cleaning my car.
Ok, i love my car, and its nice to have it polished and clean.... but thats a bit ott!
The most i ever washed and polished my car was every weekend... and never spent more then 4hours on it... does this guy have nothing else to do?
does this guy have nothing else to do?

He's a detailer.
He details cars.

I don't understand some of the people on this forum. How would everyone like it if I started slagging off their hobbies I wonder...
He's a detailer.
He details cars.

I don't understand some of the people on this forum. How would everyone like it if I started slagging off their hobbies I wonder...

Theres hobbies and theres sad strange obsessions. Like all that nurburgring tinsel. I get what youre saying but hes gone so ott and in my opinion it looks a bit gash. Each to their own though ey!
He's a detailer.
He details cars.

I don't understand some of the people on this forum. How would everyone like it if I started slagging off their hobbies I wonder...

Once you put something on the internet this extreme you are going to polarise opinion. 99.999% of people would never consider doing anything this extreme, walk through a carpark on a sunny day and you can see what a state all the cars are in. "Detailing" is a niche hobby so you can't really expect everyone to get it.

Personally as I said I think it's amazing work and dedication although making comments about rejecting a car because of a microscopic paint defect really is a step too far. Apart from that one comment I thought it was great bit of work despite my personal dislike for the current Astra.
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Would understand if they were rare - but I see more nurburgring editions out there than I do the whole of the Fiat range.

Exactly its nothing special. I wonder if he even uses the car or is too scared of it getting weathered or stonechipped from use. Probably just spends its life getting rubbed in the garage with exotic substances.
Having not posted on here for a long time (due to not owning a Fiat anymore), I'd actually forgot just how narrowminded, self opinionated and judgemental most members are on here when it comes to something that either doesn't interest them, or looks too much like hard work.

I'm one of the top posters on Detailing World and I made more good mates and got so much more helpful advice (and mostly about things not car related) in the first month than I ever did on here in all the time I was posting!

So, stick to paying some ape a few quid at your local Tescos to rub grit into your car, or do it yourself at home with a bath sponge and some Fairy, and leave those who actually take some pride in their posessions to do what they want without ridiculing them.
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stick to paying some ape a few quid at your local Tescos to rub grit into your car, or do it yourself at home with a bath sponge and some Fairy, and leave those who actually take some pride in their posessions to do what they want without ridiculing them.

narrowminded, self opinionated and judgemental

Pot, kettle and black - please insert these into a well known proverb!
actually it's a total waste of time (and in this nutjob's case a lot of money) to detail a white car, it's almost impossible to see the difference.

What a load of sh*t!! You want to enlighten us on any other subjects you know f*ck all about :rolleyes:?

Oh, and I'm sure you've all been a car show at some point, so if it weren't for people like him who go to the 'n'th degree with their cars, there wouldn't be a show to start with. I've won national concours trophies with one of my cars and am proud to see the fruits of my labour on a shelf in my house - what have all the people who've ripped the pi$$ out of Marc ever worked hard on and won anything for?
You could go on and on with this:- Sports people, Olympic althetes, Bodybuilders, Michelin star chefs, etc. etc. they all spend, what people outside looking in, would deem unhealthy hours, borderline obsession and dedication to their chosen passion. But without that level of committment they wouldn't win or achieve anything.
I, for one, am glad that people like Marc exist, because if mankind, as a whole, had been all like most who've commented on this thread negatively, we'd be far less advanced as a species than we are now!

The overwhelming message that comes out of this thread and how the Fiat Forum seems to want to present itself, is that anyone who dedicates themselves to something in order to achieve a desired result should be mocked and unsulted. Well, if that's how you all want to behave then carry on, but know that it casts your forum in a very poor light to the outside world!
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Im sorry but that is deffently going over the top. I mean i like to wash my car, wax, clean it for about 5-6 hours but i only do it once every month or so. more oftern in summer due to the bird crap.
Sorry but cars should be used. If hes going too be so immensley critical then itd take the fun out of actually using the car in the first place cause he will be scared of it getting weathered, stonechipped etc. Each to their own, i enjoy some things many of you wouldnt. But i cant see the point inbeing that obsessive. itll end up having a day spend cleaning for very house of use. I believe that cars should serve their purpose and be driven for fun too, itd be a total shame if they didnt. Anyway at least the worlds only missing out on a garaged astra and not a nice fiat or alfa.:p

Another thing too, if you come on here and say all of us at ff are the same and just criticize everything and that we only stand for ignorance arent you just as bad? People have opinions, we're all different. Don't come on here and make such generalisations about us all. If people post things on a forum they should know that someone somewhere won't agree with it and it will be criticized. It's human nature.
Sorry but cars should be used. If hes going too be so immensley critical then itd take the fun out of actually using the car in the first place cause he will be scared of it getting weathered, stonechipped etc. Each to their own, i enjoy some things many of you wouldnt. But i cant see the point inbeing that obsessive. itll end up having a day spend cleaning for very house of use. I believe that cars should serve their purpose and be driven for fun too, itd be a total shame if they didnt. Anyway at least the worlds only missing out on a garaged astra and not a nice fiat or alfa.:p

Another thing too, if you come on here and say all of us at ff are the same and just criticize everything and that we only stand for ignorance arent you just as bad? People have opinions, we're all different. Don't come on here and make such generalisations about us all. If people post things on a forum they should know that someone somewhere won't agree with it and it will be criticized. It's human nature.

Exactly how much more do you want to miss the entire point of what he's doing with his car, just edge it a bit further and you'll come full circle and actually get the point :bang:.

Of course something like Marc's car will be open to criticism, but what would be wrong with you all just saying something like "not my thing, and I'm not keen on it, but fair play to him if that's what he wants to spend his time and money on"? Oh, no it's easier (and supposedly funnier to other members) to make fun and insult the guy - typical of this sort of forum, but don't feel too bad though, you're not the only site that rips the pi$$ out people for being a bit different.

Don't like what I'm doing on this thread? Your medicine don't taste too good does it?
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