remember that guy detailing his brand new VXR?

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remember that guy detailing his brand new VXR?

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He is a bit obsessive but I've got to admit he's done an absolutely cracking job (y)

Only two things about his post that I couldnt agree with:
1) 51 layers of wax is well over the top, he admits himself that after 7 or 8 layers he couldnt tell the difference.
2) The blob of paint on the roof and the temptation to refuse the car because of it. It was easily repairable as well.

Other than that I am genuinely impressed with the job he's done.

There was another thread on DW that caught my attention and makes for a very enjoyable read..... OffYourMarks' E36 M3 Evo GTII

Take a look -
all I can say it what a to$$er! someone needs a girlfriend. I clean/wax my far once a month if that. its not worth it as a 5mile drive makes it filthy with road grime, dead bugs.
yes its nice but if parked to the same car out of the factory. without putting your face right upto the car you couldnt tell and would only think "yeh that car has had a coat of polish"

If I ever seen that car I would have to put a TINY atomic mark on it. and then stand there as he had a mental break down:devil:
There was another thread on DW that caught my attention and makes for a very enjoyable read..... OffYourMarks' E36 M3 Evo GTII

Take a look -

At least then you can see a difference, the other one, I couldn't see a difference. Made me laugh though :LOL:.

I feel kinda bad now about only cleaned the inside of my car once in the year I've had it, and twice on the outside, and once was though a car wash :LOL:
i'm passionate about detailing. i love to spend 6 hours with my car on a sunday. i still think that guy must be a socially retarded virgin.

if spending 10 times as much money and time on your car only makes it look a tiny bit better compared to my own efforts on a sunday morning then why bother?
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you can almost imagine the scene, quiet night in, detail boy has mrs over....starts getting serious, he heads south......and single solitary hair between him and perfection.......

"sorry honey, i'll have to wax that......53 times"

she'd kick his balls through his skull........

btw: i got bored, does he ever actually drive the car....on the public? and if he cares about it so much, why not rip the entire thing down to component level and then rebuild the way he wants....unless he did but i was yawning after 130 photos, and could almost hear his words droning on at me.....
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3 coats of z2pro on the jubilee clips in the engine bay :eek: is where I gave up!
i'm passionate about detailing. i love to spend 6 hours with my car on a sunday. i still think that guy must be a socially retarded virgin.
lol jug I like :D

I thought it was very gay when they where looking at a tiny imperfection with an ultra violet light talking about rejecting the car.

I didnt like the audio mod part all that wood just seemed naff and half assed to me.
There's a difference between taking pride in your car, but he's just taking it way too far! i used to spend a good few hours on my old tipo, which had the lacquer peeling off and wasn't the tidiest as well as only being a poverty spec 1.4.

It probably doesn't help what this bloke does for his living either. maybe he's done all this as a clever scheme to get yet more clients though!;)

i'd laugh if he lived in an area with a hosepipe ban though, saying that he uses bottled water to clean the car!! why does he does this? i can understand perhaps pure water, obtained through distillation, but surely not evian!
Will be because he has " crap" water in his area or something and this water is cleaner or something like that.

And the Audio install is the best part of the car. Done to a brilliant standard and is a really nice install.
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