500 Radio problems

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500 Radio problems

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Jan 9, 2025
Hi my radio in my 500S has no power and the odometer is flashing any ideas.
There will be a controlling fuse somewhere -

.... also have you had any issues with the hatch wiring?

Fuse 36 on the bcm control module controls audio and climate control functions!- PITA to get to and check though! you have to strip out glovebox cubby and some of the dash and then theres a metal "security" box around the bcm module as well! fuses are the "mini" blade type small and fiddly to remove even with the right puller!.
Fuse 36 on the bcm control module controls audio and climate control functions!- PITA to get to and check though! you have to strip out glovebox cubby and some of the dash and then theres a metal "security" box around the bcm module as well! fuses are the "mini" blade type small and fiddly to remove even with the right puller!.
Thank you ill check tomorrow
Flashing odometer means the CAN system cannot connect to one of the modules. It could be the radio with the blown fuse. Try checking and replacing the fuse as described by @steveras57, if that is the cause the blinking should stop.

If the fuse blows another time, further diagnostic would be necessary. Don't replace the fuse with one with higher amps.

Did both appeared at the same time?
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