Technical Punto 1.2 8v 2010 timing belt

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Technical Punto 1.2 8v 2010 timing belt


Feb 15, 2014
Hi, I swap my timing belt some 4000km ago.
Since its newer engine, timing marks are not the same as on old engines, so most of internet pictures are not aplicable...

Basically, I matched lines on Dayco belt selected by catalog, with marks on my upper and lower polleys.

I am wandering from then if I did correctly, looks to me that car is a tiny less powerful.

Everything else is really good, idling is perfect, no engine errors... Engine is running smoothly...

Is there any way to confirm that timing is setup correctly without to disassemble all over again?

If one teeth is missed, what can be expected on this engine?
Hi, I swap my timing belt some 4000km ago.
Since its newer engine, timing marks are not the same as on old engines, so most of internet pictures are not aplicable...

Basically, I matched lines on Dayco belt selected by catalog, with marks on my upper and lower polleys.

I am wandering from then if I did correctly, looks to me that car is a tiny less powerful.

Everything else is really good, idling is perfect, no engine errors... Engine is running smoothly...

Is there any way to confirm that timing is setup correctly without to disassemble all over again?

If one teeth is missed, what can be expected on this engine?
What engine code?
Hi, I pick some random badge from Serbian produced Puntos.
They all had same engines. Hope this will help.

This is all I could find in my 2012 AutoData, in the cambelt book I couldn't find the same number, so check carefully to see if this looks correct.


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Thank YOu for this documentation!
the documentation is for the grande punto with the 199 engine. your one is the 'earlier' 188 engine. Usually that went to 2005 only but in some places production continued after 2005

Autodata must have that engine but it will be valid for an earlier year

So what car do you actually have? Are you sure your engine is the same as the car you have photographed?
Hi, my car is 2010, but Punto classic mk2B, 1.2 engine 60hp. Engine with square air filter BOX, and NGK DCPR8E-N sparks.
Engine code should be like on my picture above.
All these were produced from 2006 to 2011.

I know for example one difference for my engine, comparing to old ones, is that belt lower pulley does not have a small pin to center on.

I can post some pictures during disassemble of engine belt covers?
That diagram is not very clear. :) you line up the notches on the wheels with the notches on the fixed part of the engine. The close up pictures of the wheels help you to see where those notches are on the engine. A mistake often made is to line up the larger wheel with the casting that looks like a notch but is just the way the casting is shaped and the actual notch gets missed - maybe covered in dirt or something.
and then to make it more complicated there are two different engines which are timed differently! the earlier engine has those pictured timing marks. The later engine with no marks requires specially made tools - they can be made at home the Haynes manual says. You need to find Top dead centre for number 1 and 'the corresponding camshaft position'. TDC method is to use a dial gauge and a rod inside an old spark plug to find TDC using the spark plug hole for the DIY tool. Man this is complicated! then at the other end of the engine you find the camshaft position. "observe the position of the offset slot in the end of the camshaft visible through the opening normally covered by the ignition coil mounting bracket. The camshaft slot should be horizontal with the offset below the centreline (see illustration). this is the position for TDC for number 1


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This was factory setup, fist opening after 60.000km.

So You can see that notch on my lower pulley is on different place than notch on reddish picture.
Namely, my notch is one tooth below closer to one of three holes in pulley (lowest one).
This was factory setup, fist opening after 60.000km.

So You can see that notch on my lower pulley is on different place than notch on reddish picture.
Namely, my notch is one tooth below closer to one of three holes in pulley (lowest one).
what am i looking at there? is your casting broken at the crankshaft notch? Is the top mark on the engine that very hardly noticeable thing?

Do you actually have the timing marks?? the later engine of the same type had no timing marks. as described in earlier post here today
Casting is not broken, this is first time belt cover is removed.
This is factory timing setup on my engine.

If I put lower marks as Hayens suggests (toward reef on casting ) picture two, the upper mark is showing like in first picture to nothing;

Here is more clear picture of upper marks

the documentation is for the grande punto with the 199 engine. your one is the 'earlier' 188 engine. Usually that went to 2005 only but in some places production continued after 2005

Autodata must have that engine but it will be valid for an earlier year

So what car do you actually have? Are you sure your engine is the same as the car you have photographed?
Hopefully your French version will help bax, all I have is the 2012 Autodata manuals, I checked the other Fiat cambelt book pages and nothing else came up from Autodata for that engine code.(y)
The pulley look like it’s the none keyed type with a T55 instead of bolt

These are normally timed with locking tools

Looks approximately right to me

I would do a compression test if I had any doubt. one tooth out will be way be way down.

I think Koala might be right. this engine does not have timing marks. it is timed with tools?

So far we have been told 'some random engine markings' for a punto that are not on the engine being checked describe the engines because they are all the same. :) But that is not true for most locations which have a variety of different 188A400 engines.