Technical PHOTOS of timing marks 8v F.I.R.E Engines

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Technical PHOTOS of timing marks 8v F.I.R.E Engines

any 1 know of any 1 in the wolverhampton area to help me time my punto as im struggaling with timing it back up , my mob is 07588332672 , if any 1 can help just txt or bel me , cash in hand for helping me resolve my timing problem thanks in advance :bang: :worship:
I can't get the alternator belt pully off to see the timing marks on the sprocket. it's peeing me off :mad:
atm it's timed by stickin a screwdriver in the spark plug hole to see TDC lol ! i think it's 1 tooth out
you have a 1.2 16v you need tools to lock cams and tools to make sure all pistons are level, and belt must be tensioned with cam pulley loose

hi dave is there any chance you could call me on 07816094598 as im not sure about this fiat punto all i need is a little of your time please call me dave w
Monday morning, late for work (again) but just 5mins away from work, stopped and traffic lights (1st in line!) when light went green the punto died. As you can imagine was not popular in rush hour. Why do people think that if you are not moving and have hazards on you are not moving on purpose! At first i thought it was empty on petrol. Managed to get someone from work to come to my aid. Got a can of petrol but still no life. As im not a member of the AA(etc) i got towed to work (about 1mile away). At lunch i got another can of petrol, but still no life. then someone said it the cam belt.

Had a quick look and they were right (they also said it was fcuk'd) From what i have read its should not be a problem esp as i was not moving.
So i am gonna get the car tow'd back from work today
1st question, is this gonna cause more problems or should it be ok.

have bought a new belt and tensioner.
the old belt has not snapped but it had come off the top ?wheel! and the tensioner was off as well.
2nd question - should this be a sounding any alarms.

3rd question. for a complete novice how long am i looking at for putting the new timing belt on. also if i get the timing mark correct how do i know that it will run smoothley.

thanks for any help

punto mk1 1.1 petrol '95
Im not sure if its haynes but its a timing mark indicator. You can downoad the haynes manual free but I cant post urls yet so if u msg me I cn giv u the link or email it.

I had a problem with my water pump, I bought a new 1 and before replacing it tried 2 get the car to run managed to eventually thanks to the pics in this forum so thank you. Now iv replaced it I cant get the bleedin thing to start. Does anybody know whether the timing belt has any markings or does the position of the belt not matter?


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Re: PHOTOS of timing marks

Join the club ! , same thing here after 11 hours rain it was still raining and her Punto is still headless ... stopped now so I'm off out to slap it back on , don't you love it when the missus says to you after tea ... " Oh by the way love , a little orange light that looks like half a ladder in the sea has come on on my dash " ..." Ohh yeah ? ... how long has it been on ffs !! ' ... "Oh , about 3 days now " .... she covers 140 miles a day ! . :bang: :bang: AHHH don't you love em ?

lol i had a corsa once and mine told me the little helicopter has come on, women :cry:
Re: PHOTOS of timing marks

Penny, the 8V engine wont be damaged by a broken cam belt though the 16V is very expensive as valves hit pistons.
Changing the cam belt tensioner and water pump is not seriously hard there are guides in the forum. Before you start drain and flush the cooling system so its clean when you refill it later. Also make sure the crank sensor is not damaged. If it refuses to start this needs to be on the list of faults.

If you have it done at a garage the cost should be no more than 2 hours labour plus parts. You can get parts at Shop4parts or Europarts. Ebay sellers also do these parts but quality might be questionable so best stick with S4P and EP.
Im not sure if its haynes but its a timing mark indicator. You can downoad the haynes manual free but I cant post urls yet so if u msg me I cn giv u the link or email it.

I had a problem with my water pump, I bought a new 1 and before replacing it tried 2 get the car to run managed to eventually thanks to the pics in this forum so thank you. Now iv replaced it I cant get the bleedin thing to start. Does anybody know whether the timing belt has any markings or does the position of the belt not matter?

dont post links to haynes manual download they are cheap enough to buy, if everyone stops buying them they wont make ones for cars in the future
is this timing marks same with fiat uno 45 petrol? im also having a hard time setting the timming with my uno.
ok so i have just read this thread and just want to confirm that tdc is measured from the cam end bdc from gearbox end ive completely cocked mine up 1242 8v btw if i pull the crank up to tdc where does the cam have to be in respect to that ??what valves need to be where

cheers guys

it has no belt on it at the moment i spun the bottom round trying to undo the pulley surely that means it could be 180 degrees out at the bottom or do i just do the screwdriver down the plug hole trick untill no.1 is right up ?? but then where are the inlets summpsed to be at this stage??? cheers
The 8v is a very simple engine to time up....the pulleys have marks if you look at the image above...get piston 1 to TDC put a long screwdriver Down the plug hole so you know the piston is near top and put crank pulleyt on the mark then do same with cam pulley both valves should be shut and make sure you line the marks....can't really go wrong mate put belt on and tension it correctly
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