Opinions/Views wanted please

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Opinions/Views wanted please

Email Sent to Him:

Me :D said:
> Hi Deniz,
> Today recieved 2 wheels (one 7x13 and other 8x13),
> did you sent them all at
> same time or seperate?
> Many thanks,
> Alex :eek:)

Email Recieved Back;

Seller said:
at the same time!
i dont understand this ask the post office please if
that coult be normal if the whels are sending at first
4 units and than they will arrived 2 at friday and 2
on monday .
thank you for the fast reply
Going to look quality!
GhostWKD said:
delivered by parcelforce worldwide van,
have sent then an email to see if they could have got seperated although i thought if they had been sent all together as 4 they would travel together as 4
thought you were getting 5?how come 4 is the number being used now?
have you contacted parcel force?they use full tracking so may be able to find out
Give until Monday afternoon before you start worrying. :)
custard boy said:
thought you were getting 5?how come 4 is the number being used now?
have you contacted parcel force?they use full tracking so may be able to find out

im not quite sure to be honest :eek: at the min im more concerned about getting a set instead of just these two, with the auction pics only being of 2 wheels and 2 wheels recieved it has got me a tiny bit worried truth be told, hope just co-incidence though :eek:
deutsche post is actually DHL are you sure it was a royal mail van ?????

because i work for DHL and if the sender hasnt marked down there is FIVE consecutive parcels then they will all come individually and he has paid alot more doing it that way ......

the driver may have been overloaded weight wise and couldnt bring the rest of them

email me the tracking number if you want and i will use the tracker system for you.

shaun :)
All its got on it is deutsche post - Post Paket, was 110% a parcelforce van, and its plastered in parcelforce stickers, all paperwork has no mention of other tracking nums and the two parcels i have here have 2 different tracking numbers (one for each box recieved) If he can only deliver so many at a time will i still be signing for 2 wheels when more to come kinda thing? (made sure was only signing for two :p)

Thanks for input btw buddy :D made me bit less worried :D :p
shaunmurray said:
deutsche post is actually DHL are you sure it was a royal mail van ?????

It could be because Deutsche Post is the German post office.

'DHL is 100% owned by Deutsche Post World Net' - off the DHL website. :)
do your tracking number go in consecutive numbers ie 01 088 734 867 5
01 088 734 867 6

if so just go onto their website and try and input the numbers to track and trace and see if the details match your tracking numbers then you might be able to see where your parcels are. meaning what depot they are at !

thats if they use the same tracking system that DHL do anyway cause all our parcels are scanned into the depot and out for delivery and also when they are delivered and if they are returned for some reason they go through the process again ......

hope you get some look mate :D :D