A long time ago (so things may have changed) my late mum's Renault was Dinitrol protected. But, as
@lambou1d says above, it forms a skin which can crack and peel, letting water in behind. This led to some fairly spectacular rust forming in the front wings that I always said would not have happened if left as from the factory and the mud washed out now and again. Car bodies weren't galvanised then, but are now, and that offers by far the best protection to the bodywork (including box sections). However, the thin black paint on the suspension parts (especially the rear beam), and the 4x4 under tray, is appalling and there, some from of non-setting coating (wax/lanolin or similar), reapplied now and again would seem to be an excellent precaution to take. I plan to do mine in the summer when everything's warm and dry.