General Just Bought Twinair Plus!

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General Just Bought Twinair Plus!

Well lucky for me I do not live in an area that consists of hooligans. You may not like them but you seem to be the only negative comment so far. The dealer seemed to like it and has said they will put a photo of her on their website. To be honest I dont care what peoples opinions are on the lases as I like them and thats all that counts!

There is a white 500 with lashes in our area, from what I have seen the lashes (being quite long) have been lashing on the paintwork and seem to have blackened the surface on the bonnet, i am sure they would have taken the top protective coat away too.

so becareful of self harm to the car ;)
It's very strange that some of you guys are getting money off or free extras like xenons cos I'm a sales exc for fiat and under the rules your not meant to get anything off?!? Just out of intrest where about did you buy it from? Plus on a lighter noteI'm also getting my twin air demo in pas-red this week which will be a nice change from the punto gp I'm currently in. :)

oooooh that would be telling lol, at the end of the day, if dont ask you dont get lol:slayer:
btw whats is it with these eye lashes??? proper looks like herbie goes to towns girlfriend?

lol saw an almighty pink 500 with eybrows must admit it does look wrong but alright lol

not that i will put that on mine