Jeremy Clarkson petition for PM response - Youtube

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Jeremy Clarkson petition for PM response - Youtube

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Got the e-mail in my inbox this morning, haven't read it yet. Getting myself ready for the half truths and fibs there is bound to be in it.
well done no10, its good to see them making fun of the idiots who sign these things.

i'm surprised they can laugh when 50,000 people have shown they are unable to make reasonable decisions about who would make a suitable PM. i think anyone who signed that petition should lose their right to vote.
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:p Guilty as charged, I can walk and chew gum too :rolleyes: Anyone is better than the current clot in number 10.
i voted for him. but tbh the whole site is a joke, the government at the moment (and arguably all governments) don't give a **** about what anyone wants. it's pointless, for example how many thousands of people voted against the tax changes to a pay per drive scheme, yet they're still carrying out studies towards it. quite frankly having jeremy clarkson as PM couldn't be any worse, after all it all comes down to people trying to make a name for themselves to try and gain "celebrity" status.