Technical Issues with engine mount

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Technical Issues with engine mount


New member
Apr 9, 2024
West Lafayette, IN
Hi! I have a 2016 fiat 500x that has been experiencing issues with the engine mount. I'll preface this post by saying I don't know much about cars.

I took it to a shop 9 months ago, and they said I had to replace all of the engine and transmission mounts in my car. They charged me close $2.5k to have it all done. Luckily my warranty covered everything except for $500. It was in the shop for 12 days total; they had issues getting the right parts (lost in shipment, wrong part, etc). Just by doing a basic Google search, I don't think it is too difficult to get a hold of those parts. I had the feeling that I was being scammed, but because of my lack of knowledge, I didn't question it too much.

Fast forward to now, I brought my car into a second shop because it was starting to shake again. The second shop said that the engine mount had a plastic piece that they needed to be replaced because it was starting to break down. The second part of the engine mount is apparently cracking and will start leaking fluid.

I am extremely confused why it would need to be replaced less than a year later. The first shop has a policy where they will fix any mistakes that they have made a year out from the original repair. They said it shouldn't cost me anything, but I don't trust them. What do you think could be causing these issues with the engine mounts? Was the part that they used faulty? Is it from an installation error?

I'm at a loss at would do this. The guys at the second shop gave me the original part that they replaced. I can take pictures if that would be helpful. Thanks in advanced for any information!
Change your repair shop for one that has an official accreditation to a recognised trade body. It does sound suspicious. I have driven many hundreds of thousands of miles and never seen an engine ounting fail as you describe, so its an unusual fault. For two to do so in just a year is very very unusual. It may be they were not changedat all in the first place. Even oil filled mounts should function at a basic level once punctured. CHeck with a dealer if your car actually has oil filled mounts, these are most often fitted to diesel engines.

Shaking of the engine is more likely to be a running issue and nothing to do with the mounts. Before spending a lot of money make sure all the cylinders are running. Get the spark plugs and ignition leads changes and check the ignition coils work properly via an engine diagnosis.
Change your repair shop for one that has an official accreditation to a recognised trade body. It does sound suspicious. I have driven many hundreds of thousands of miles and never seen an engine ounting fail as you describe, so its an unusual fault. For two to do so in just a year is very very unusual. It may be they were not changedat all in the first place. Even oil filled mounts should function at a basic level once punctured. CHeck with a dealer if your car actually has oil filled mounts, these are most often fitted to diesel engines.

Shaking of the engine is more likely to be a running issue and nothing to do with the mounts. Before spending a lot of money make sure all the cylinders are running. Get the spark plugs and ignition leads changes and check the ignition coils work properly via an engine diagnosis.
I will definitely do that, thank you!
What sort of issues are you having with the mounts? Is it noise, vibration or both?
I still have my original mounts since I bought the car brand new back in 2016. No problems with my mounts. I prevent problems with rubber parts by using a rubber protectant spray made for RV's.