Technical Insufficient Oil Pressure!

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Technical Insufficient Oil Pressure!


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Hi there.

I've been recently getting a warning showing up on the dashboard, alerting me of insufficient oil pressure, please turn engine off and back on again. It constantly keeps beeping every so often. Thing is, it's so unpredictable when it's going to happen as it can stop for ages, then suddenly beep again or it can beep then instantly beep straight after.

I need to know what is causing this to occur? I'm almost certain it isn't the oil as it's been topped up about 2 month ago. I also checked with the dipstick and it's showing there's enough. Could this possible be a system fault?

Don't start your car anymore, it's a serious warning !
A mechanic has to verify the oil pressure, to know if its the pressure contact fault or a real problem with oil pressure.
If it's second case, you really risk to kill/damage your engine.
Please be careful.

Which engine do you have ? 1.4 8V 77HP ?
Hello, any update on this? Does the light/error message disappear after a while, and if so does the engine sound rough on start up, but noise disappears between 10secs to a minute?
I have a Fiat Punto Evo - 1.4 77BHP (2010 Plate) and a few months back i was driving along the road when i heard a thud, long story short, the sump plug blew out and emptied the engine of all its oil. Got a mechanic straight out as i thought it was something more serious, however new plug and oil and everything was working again...

Or at least i thought...

Now every time, EVERY time i start my car i get this warning (Mechanic has checked there is plenty of oil) and it sounds like a diesel engine for 30 seconds, then the warning goes off and the engine sound great and smooth again.

It seems to be a common fault!
I have a Fiat Punto Evo - 1.4 77BHP (2010 Plate) and a few months back i was driving along the road when i heard a thud, long story short, the sump plug blew out and emptied the engine of all its oil. Got a mechanic straight out as i thought it was something more serious, however new plug and oil and everything was working again...

Or at least i thought...

Now every time, EVERY time i start my car i get this warning (Mechanic has checked there is plenty of oil) and it sounds like a diesel engine for 30 seconds, then the warning goes off and the engine sound great and smooth again.

It seems to be a common fault!

It's not a common fault, unfortunately your car has a problem. A major and important problem. :(
Diesel sound 2-3 seconds is normal, pressure has to rise in oil circuit after a quite long stay off. But longer, its not normal at all. Message on dash with low pressure not normal at all too; an healthy car can't have messages and a mechanic saying "no worries, all is ok"

Plenty of oil does not mean correct oil pressure.
The oil contact switch activate pressure warning with very very low pressure, about 0.7-1.0bar. When revving, the pressure should be about 3-4 bar (search on the forum, I posted the values). If you car can't have the necessary oil pressure on idle, the engine life will be really short...

But why the sump plug failed ? Strange story.

Hope your mechanics will solve the problem.
But why the sump plug failed ? Strange story.

It's possible if the sump wasn't tight or an incorrect plug was fitted. Before the sump plug failed, did you have a oil change before hand ? if so then the person changing the oil didn't put the plug back in right.

I have read many stories about slum plugs falling out but most are due to the plug not being fitted correctly.