General I may have done it again... :p

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General I may have done it again... :p

Jun 12, 2011
Great Yarmouth
Ok ok so I have... I bought another cento, this one at first glance is a clean little thing, ive not driven it and all I know is it needs a hg and maybe a gear selector box/cables

Bodywise theres a dent in the front drivers door, a crack in the front bumper and a little bit of surface rust on the rear arches, plenty of mot and tax and the handbrake ACTUALLY WORKS!!
ive got a massive folder of history including loads of services the usual cento bits like fuel tank headlights exhaust parts handbrake cables ect including every mot cert from new, also a comprehensive folder full of tyre recipts from 2000 up to current

So it looks like its been well looked after over the years so all in all a cracking little buy for £200 :)

Also it means I can get rid of the more door punto until the cinq is back on the road :)

Few piccys??
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AHH.. youve done it again Looks Clean . Did the Cup on the roof come free :p

Lol I have indeed lol the cup including its contents (tea 2 sugars;) ) did indded come in the deal lmao apart from the faded paint and the dent in the drivers door its actually a mint little cento, blue checked interior is mint and it even had a decent set of tailored mats in :)

Even has the sunroof cover strapped in the boot still :p
Well so far the little headgasket project is coming along nicely, head is currently off being skimmed, hopefully tomorrow ill get the head back... but with extra meat taken off :)

Soo a few piccys....
Headgasket went on cylinders 1 and 4 both between fire rings and the oil and water ways so plenty of oil and water mix :p and an expasion bottle that exploded its guts over the ebgine bay


Extremely supprised to find this when I took off the head, 113000 miles on the clock and I didnt even have to clean the crowns of the pistons, just goes to show a service every year really is worth it


Sills are both clean and rot free

Clean sills :)


Front bumper has had it and so has one of the foglights :( I have sapres though :p

Bit of a bad pic

A shame the back isnt as clean as the front a small hole in the nsr arch but that will get some attention soon enough, looks 50x worse in the pics all mainly surface rust



The ass end is tidy enough though apart from the exhaust seems to have a boner :D


Hopefully tomorrow itll be running again

Wish me luck :p

Also need a name :p suggestions???


Well shes back together and ive found the reason the headgasket went in the first place

Turns out the seal on the water pump has gone so its pissing water out :( new pump will go in today or tomorrow and hopefully ill be able to get the thermostat to seal too :)

Got the missus punto to sort for mot tomorrow tonight so thats stopped play today :( hopefully the sei will be back on the road next week :)

Soooo tonight was a mega productive one :)

After a 8 hr shift at work waving a 9inch grinder around for 6 of the 8 hrs I decided to pop to my mates and steal the waterpump off my old 1108 from the cinq (I know soo tight I squeek :p ) as it had only done around 2000 miles on it and I figured its better off in there rather then the scrap bin,

Only a crappy air lock to sort now and the brakes need bleeding up a quick wash and polish and hopefullyill have the thing back on the road :)

Sooo a few bits and bobs done, ive ordered and fitted a set of 60mm fk lowering springs, added a new backbox and fitted my subaru seats for the time being

It still needs a good polish as shes a bit dull at the moment but hopefully a good cleaning session tomorrow will sort that :)

So..... piccys




Soo shes sat a little better, hopefully ill have the blue side strips off tomorrow and maybe even a debadged rear end, plans are to have a satin black roof wrap with either anthracite or black wheels, as yet not sure for cetain as I have a cinq to finish too :p

Thoughts and opinions welcome :)
