The section regarding brake lights is only a 'should'...
"In stationary queues of traffic, drivers should apply the parking brake and, once the following traffic has stopped, take their foot off the footbrake to deactivate the vehicle brake lights. This will minimise glare to road users behind until the traffic moves again."
No. Rule 114 is a ‘must’ (or rather ‘must not’):
“Rule 114
use any lights in a way which would dazzle or cause discomfort to other road users”
and in the Highway Code, the word "must" indicates a legal requirement that must be followed. Breaking a "must" rule is an offence and can result in a fine and prosecution
Having established this, Rule 114 then continues with some further explanatory guidance: “In stationary queues of traffic, drivers should apply the parking brake and, once the following traffic has stopped, take their foot off the footbrake to deactivate the vehicle brake lights. This will minimise glare to road users behind until the traffic moves again” but this further guidance does not override the mandatory requirement not to “dazzle or cause discomfort to other road users”.
As ever, it is for drivers to drive in such a way that ensures compliance. So, for example, holding on the footbrake, in neutral, on a hill at a junction in order to activate the ‘hillhold’ might be compliant on a bright summer’s day. But it would almost certainly not be compliant on a dark rainy night.
The Highway Code is not an instruction manual on how to drive, rather it contains legal requirements, information and guidance. Break those legal requirements at your peril.