Technical How to install aux in lead in Fiat 500

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Technical How to install aux in lead in Fiat 500

Which Bluetooth receiver did you get and does it sound good?


I bought this one and it sounds a lot better than the FM transmitter equivalent we were using. It has an internal battery but is powered by a USB cable from a cigarette lighter USB power supply. The + and - buttons act as next/previous track buttons so you can stick it to the dash somewhere and not touch your phone/music player.
Hi everyone, I have managed to get AUX working on my Bosch thanks to a Youtube video: Bosch head unit AUX tutorial
It is in Turkish but you can select subtitles, which are in Turkish, and then click on settings from where you can select auto translate. You can see in the video he joins two pins with a bridge, the DATA-OUT and DATA-IN. I made a bridge with a couple of spade connectors already attached to wires, that I had in my spares box. I twisted the ends of the wires together and covered the join with heat shrink. The connectors that I used were too big for the pins so I squashed them with needle nose pliers to make them a tight fit. I used some more heat shrink over the spade connectors so as to prevent them contacting adjacent pins. Once I had connected the data-out and data-in with the bridge I turned on the radio, and when I pressed the CD button AUX was displayed. Progress!
Then I tried the mini iso connector. When I inserted it, it knocked the bridge off of the pins. I then modified the connector block by slicing off the corners of it so that it would slide in without disturbing bridged pins. I should mention that I had already bent the bridged pins, as in the video, to make room for the connector block. When I tried putting the connector in again..nothing. Hmm.
I compared my connector with the one on the video and saw that the wires on mine were in the wrong order. I managed to remove the wires and rearrange them but I nearly destroyed them before looking on the net to find the correct way! I used very small , thin screwdrivers from a kit I have for spectacles. Looking from the opposite end from where the wires go in to the block, slide the screwdriver down the sides of the metal connector, one side at at time. This pushes a small metal tab back on either side, which allows it to be released.
As in the video, the yellow wire connects to the pin AF-R, the white wire to pin AF-L, and the red wire to the pin between those two. Use the photo below for reference.
With the wires rearranged, I plugged in the connector and bingo, a working AUX input!


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I’m looking the fit the same Bluetooth kit to my daughter 09 500C Pop. It’s the Blaupunkt Radio with hopefully the ability to fit. My issue is, there appears to be a large black ‘plug’ already attached with 3 wires attached (green, black and grey) in the ‘booster’ area. How do I insert the yellow plug into to bottom left area of the radio aux port? Do I have to remove the black plug, cut a bit off and then re-insert, leaving those ports clear for the new yellow plug?
Hi all. I know this is an old thread but I just installed "bluemusic" bluetooth adapter on a 2008 fiat 500 with blue&me. Yes, you have to take off the black plug that is for blue and me functionality and plug the bluetooth adapter. Blue and me will not function any more and if you don't need it like me then no problem. If you still need blue and me functionality then when you order the bluetooth adapter order also the 20 pin adapter cable and then you can have both.
bluemusic: Amazon product ASIN B07CJKY1MR20 pin adapter: Amazon product ASIN B0823Z8HXP
Hi all

Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I wanted to share this with anyone who still needs a solution. We have the Bosch head unit, no Blue&Me :
View attachment 219330

We bought this cable from eBay :

It connects to these pins:
View attachment 219329

And when we press CD we get the AUX input which those Blaupunkt types are all enjoying.
View attachment 219331

Played music direct from the headphone socket of my phone, and will be adding a Bluetooth receiver when it arrives later in the week. Hope it helps someone.
Hi all

Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I wanted to share this with anyone who still needs a solution. We have the Bosch head unit, no Blue&Me :
View attachment 219330

We bought this cable from eBay :

It connects to these pins:
View attachment 219329

And when we press CD we get the AUX input which those Blaupunkt types are all enjoying.
View attachment 219331

Played music direct from the headphone socket of my phone, and will be adding a Bluetooth receiver when it arrives later in the week. Hope it helps someone.
Hello. Any chance you could repost a link to the sort of cable you got? The old link has expired, and I’m going slightly mad trying to fix this problem!
Many thanks.
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