General Headlight unit confusion

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General Headlight unit confusion


New member
Feb 6, 2018
My 08 GP has failed the MOT today because of a dodgy headlight beam - turns out the piece of plastic which holds the metal bulb holder in place has snapped off and therefore the bulb is just bobbing about. Anyhow I need to buy another unit but I'm not sure what I should buy; some listings say their units will fit every GP in the world, some say 'up to' 2008 and some from 'from' 2008. Some say 7 pin, some say 14 pin, some say 14 hole 7 pin and some 8 pin.

If I use my reg number on parts sites I only get given the option of the 14 pin unit - at the risk of sounding dense is this therefore the only unit that will fit? If it is then so be it but I want to check as there are some proper bargains on the 7-pin ones..... :confused:
You could try having a look at your current ones. Have a look in the connector and count how many metal pins in the connector.
Remove the rubber cap and you'll see the connector from Inside count the populated holes and you're done. There are 4 bulbs/filament and one bi-directionnal electric motor for height adjustement, that makes 6 + ground = 7 wires/pins ...

BRs, Bernie

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Post your VIN and somebody will have a look in ePer to give you the exact part number
for the headlight that was fitted to your car.