Technical Giardiniera mystery part.

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Technical Giardiniera mystery part.


Feb 19, 2018
It's been years since I removed my Giardi's timing chain cover, which I just did to replace the leaking crankshaft seal.
I probably did not investigate this strainer/hinged flap thingy back then. I realise now that the hinge pin was missing, and the flap was rattling around in the cavity. I don't see this part in any parts list or diagram.
My best guess is it's a very crude crankcase pressure one-way valve, so crude I doubt my guess.
The problem is, if I put it back together it will all but block the flow of oil when the time comes to refill the crankcase...
My thanks go to anyone who could shed a little light on this.

Hello ? I know that there's experience of the Giardi engine on this forum, is the upshot that no one's ever even SEEN this part ?
It looks factory made, the hinge is spot-welded to the strainer plate and the flap perfectly (machine-) rolled to a very tight radius...
So I'm wondering if everyone systematically ditched it as an inconvenience, or... what ?
I was looking a this very part yesterday. It's been bugging me since I last rebuilt the engine about a quarter of a century ago, I couldn't figure it out back then. I can confirm oil fills have been painfully slow since that last rebuild... No idea.
I was looking a this very part yesterday. It's been bugging me since I last rebuilt the engine about a quarter of a century ago, I couldn't figure it out back then. I can confirm oil fills have been painfully slow since that last rebuild... No idea.
Well, thanks for that, it was a bit weird not having any feedback at all. I, on my part can confirm that having the "flap" disabled seems to cause no
calamity whatsoever. Based on your observation I'll leave it out, and just keep the strainer in place (taking THAT out would of course dramatically
increase the chances of accidentally dropping, say a 10 mm nut, into the filler neck shortly thereafter...).