General Garage damaged my sill

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General Garage damaged my sill

Claim against there trade insurance
Not a car policy

They should have liability/trader's insurance
Hopefully anyway

Depending on their excess they will likely just sort it FOC, my liability insurance excess is £500 and I’m a sole trader but you can buy insurance to cover the excess think £1000 costs £25.
Much as I'd like to see this particular garage named and shamed, the reality is that this could happen to anyone taking a 500 anywhere for just about anything. It's one reason why I always take the wheels separately in another car at tyre change time.
So, why would that mean you cant name and shame??
So, why would that mean you cant name and shame??

If you are involved in an unresolved dispute, it's not generally a good idea to post anything on social media which might prejudice your case.

The real point of this thread is to remind us all that the potential for sill damage on the 500 (and the Panda for that matter) is still very much a live issue.

The arrows stamped into the outer sill don't help; some folks, including some garages, think that means it's OK to lift the car with a trolley jack under the sill at these points. It isn't; the arrows are only there to indicate where to position the factory supplied jack for emergency wheel changing.

Now that the 500 fleet is ageing, I'd have thought garages would know better; jacking any 10+yr old car requires some thought, and a proper inspection, to ensure the structure you're relying on to lift the car hasn't been weakened by corrosion.
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Thats what we was waiting to hear🤔 ! made up for you! (y) please keep us informed of progress along the way!:D
Well ….. at first they were hesitant.. until I showed them the pictures of my car I’d taken the morning the car went into the garage! I’d completely forgotten I’d taken the pictures
I have taken to photgraphing my car before it goes into a garage. Fairly comprehensively too and if I forget, I do it on the fore court so they can see me doing it. It seems to sharpen them up! Im very glad you have the evidence. In fairnes to them it will help ensure any claim is beyond dispute and the insurer should pay. Hopefully someone has learned not to repeat this!!
Depending on their excess they will likely just sort it FOC, my liability insurance excess is £500 and I’m a sole trader but you can buy insurance to cover the excess think £1000 costs £25.
an Ex FIAT dealer didn't raise their RollerShutter high enough and wiped to top box from it's Roof Panel mounts on my Ducato, 😕

They ensured no Insurances got wind of it 🙂