Technical Fuel level gauge wiring

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Technical Fuel level gauge wiring

Jan 4, 2024
In short, the previous owner cut of all wires for the level gauge, I’ve found some wires hidden back somewhere which I assume or the originals but I’m not certain. These are: a small black one, a small green-yellow wire and a tiny green wire. The (crude) picture supplied is a simplified version of the working gauge (the three ports) with the markings which will probably mean something to someone who knows what he’s doing. Could anyone offer advice or supply a picture of their fuel gauge wiring so i could have even the slightest idea of what I should do? Thanks!
hey there
given you do not have an in tank fuel pump, one wire will be a ground, one wire will go to the fuel level gauge and one wire will go to the low fuel light.

with the ignition on, just ground the wires. one will do nothing (the earth wire), one will make the fuel gauge read maximum, and one will make the fuel light come on.

if you have an in tank fuel pump, dont do this as it will short out the power supply to the fuel pump and blow a fuse. a good way to tell if you have a fuel pump is if the car uses a carburettor. if it has a carb it wont have a fuel pump in the tank. if it has any kind of injection system it would have one.

hope this helps!
-I know for certain that the gauge cluster works becuse when i connected the designated ports to a sepperate power supply the needle shot to "full".
-The wires which connect to those "ports" are indeed the same two wires that lead to the fuel tank.
-When installed, i connected 12V to those wires, expecting the cluster to do the same thing as before; but the fuel warning light came on.
-My sensor (46429910 FIAT) works(?), two ports show a varying resistance when different fuel levels are measured. one only shows connectivity below a certain level.
-I also noticed only the green-yellow wire and the small black wire are related, god only knows what that other green one does.

Why doesn't anything do the (to me) logical thing and just work, i feel like i have all the puzzle pieces but somehow it expects me to do the crossword?