General Does anyone have the lexus style rear lights fitted on there GP or know about them???

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General Does anyone have the lexus style rear lights fitted on there GP or know about them???


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Jersey, Channel Islands
I've had the chrome lexus style rear lights fitted on my Grande Punto but the free red lines in the middle of the light (see attatchment red lines I'm talking about have the yellow circle around) don't light up. I'm not sure if this is a problem with the lights or if this is just for show and not meant to light up.
Does anyone else have this problem or know anything about this? :confused:


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I've had the chrome lexus style rear lights fitted on my Grande Punto but the free red lines in the middle of the light (see attatchment red lines I'm talking about have the yellow circle around) don't light up. I'm not sure if this is a problem with the lights or if this is just for show and not meant to light up.
Does anyone else have this problem or know anything about this? :confused:

So your saying you have no rear lights at night or no brake lights?
many useful replies ^ haha!

i assume the lights are LED, in which case i would assume the light unit is at fault, best to take them off and check the connections. Whilst they are off you could see if the seperate bulbs can be removed and replaced.

how old are the lights, they come with any warrenty??
I would imagine they are LED's and need a resistor. Is a bulb warning light coming on?

Wont say anymore about the lights as Tris summed it up perfectly.
wow, not only do they look crap, they also dont work properly

Lol this is the 1st I've been told they look crap maybe it just a Jersey thing but apart from this thread I've only been told how much better they look than the standard rear lights.

But yes ever the brakes and that work its just those 3 red lines and I'm just not sure if they're meant to light up or if they're just for show?? :confused:
So your saying you have no rear lights at night or no brake lights?

No I have got rear lights and braking lights at night the braking and rear lights are below the 3 red lines I've circled and the indicators are above them.
This is why I can't work out if the red lines are there just for show or not :confused: