Coors Light Beer - Opinions

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Coors Light Beer - Opinions

bulldog5046 said:
its 5.0% thats why i bought it as well as it seeming to taste nice at first
oh a thread I know something about for

Ryan, It depends what the beer was drunk out of, that can effect the taste

Thats why Stella is always served in a stella glass - or should be !!!!

Because the glass has a nucleated star at the bottom and should be dispensed at 45 degs onto the back of the Stella logo. With the glass held by fingers in the appropriate groove at the bottom.
Sad what I learn working for a brewery
ABV can vary as well, As Stella draught is 5.1% and bottled 5.2%
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i like coors, started drinking it in the SU bar and never looked back - it goes down a treat and i dont realise i been drinking it until i stumble out my seat :eek:
We should stick to ales, bitters, porter etc. and leave lagers alone. Once they try making foreign lagers in GB they ruin them. I can remeber the Australian lagers and Stella when they were imported-tasted much better then. If you want to try really good lager (it does exist) you want Czech Budweiser not the US/GB clone. Alternatively many of the Belgian examples.

But for real taste you cannot beat some of the ales such as Spitfire etc. As said before they can be variable but that's part of the appeal.
Well, I am drinking a Coors Fine Light beer now, and am enjoying it :)

Once that has finished, may have a can of 1664 I got chilling off in the fridge....
Im ashamed to say im drinking Gledfiddich right now. Tbh £25 should be the least spent on a bottle of whisky.