Technical Comfortmatic Gearbox Ongoing Issue - Help / Advice Request

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Technical Comfortmatic Gearbox Ongoing Issue - Help / Advice Request

Ducato Mick

New member
Mar 23, 2010
I have recently acquired a Ducato 2008 3.0 with Comfortmatic transmission. It came with the problem with the DOT4 hydraulic fluid leaking and therefore no gears could be selected. I thought I was doing the right thing by putting it into my local Fiat Professional dealer who advised me that it would require Clutch, Concentric Bearing, Flywheel and all the associated new parts you change when replacing clutches with a DMF. After a few weeks in the garage I was then informed that the Robotic Control module was faulty also and this would need replaced. After what became a nightmare to source, I finally received a new unit and they fitted it and said that the procedure to 'bleed and calibrate' the new parts was then required. They now have stated that they can get all 6 forward gears to select but are having problems with Reverse. They've been on with it for weeks and now they are suggesting that there is something wrong with the gearbox. My question is, has anyone who has worked on these gearboxes and has had to 'recalibrate and bleed' the system ever come across a situation where you can select all forward gears and not reverse? Anyone got any ideas on how I could check the gearbox to see if reverse is selectable using some other method which would verify that the gearbox is at fault and not how the robotic mechanism has been installed? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance. Mick.
I have recently acquired a Ducato 2008 3.0 with Comfortmatic transmission.....I thought I was doing the right thing by putting it into my local Fiat Professional dealer
You probably were because you struggle to find anyone with the knowledge and resources to repair a Comfortmatic - as you can see from the absence of helpful replies on this thread. (The 9 speed that replaced it doesn't sound any more reliable because its been discontinued already and there is a Class Action Lawsuit going on in America by disgruntled owners.)
So don't blame yourself for taking it to a Fiat Professional Dealer - I would have done the same.
Sorry I can't be more helpful
I had problem with no reverse after parking on slightly left leaning roadside. Had to wait until car in front moved, the drove home. But then gearbox fault apeard and was unable to select any gear. Long story, but found reference on bleading clutch slave cylinder. Needed a syringe and some tubing to push clutch fluid through the slave cyl. bleeding valve up to the reservoir. So far problem fixed. (Ducato 2008 3.0L Motorhome)
I have a 2018 Fiat Ducato Motorhome in the Uk. The confortmatic gearbox is playing up and I can't drive it at the moment. The problem is that when I start it and I put in 1st or reverse it stalls straight away and after a few attempts it says the gear no gears can be selected and consult the user manual. I have it booked in for repair but they are assuming I need a new clutch. The problem is I think the clutch is not engaging and so the motor stalls as you have to have your foot on the brake to change into 1st gear from neutral. When it first started happening I was able to get it going forward by being quick getting off the brake and onto the accelerator. Once going it changed gears no problem and drove normally. Once I stopped it stalled again. So I think the clutch is ok. It's not engaging initially. Has anyone else had this same problem and found a fix for it other than pulling the motor out and changing the clutch?