Technical Clutch pedal "snaps / springs" up and down???

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Technical Clutch pedal "snaps / springs" up and down???

Feb 4, 2024
So, come over to look at the daughters punto Id bought her and from what she said I was fully expecting no fluid in resevoir and to replace clutch slave cylinder which I've bought.
BUT when I check, there's fluid in the resevoir and no obvious leaks.

What is odd is when pushing the clutch pedal you only push it a little and it snaps to the floor?? Like a strong spring effect? does the same pulling up. I'm a bit flummoxed and have hopefully shown it in the video?

While looking at the slave cylinder this round part is loose?
Im not sure a) what it is and b) should it be loose?

IMG_6266 copy.jpg
Right, wasn't 100% sure but as I pressurised the clutch resevoir I could hear hissing and suddenly could see some clutch fluid slowly seeping out under the slave cylinder so that made me decide to just go for it and change it over.
Once done the weird "snap/spring" motion disappeared. So, sorted :)
Still not sure about the round "loose" disk arrowed? Im assuming it's a breather for something? Anyone know?