Hi, that entirely depends on the system Rimor install.
The EBL system does on Hymer’s, not sure on Rimor and can’t find any specs for the charger to have a look.
An easy way would be to put a multimeter across the starter battery while on hookup. If it’s above 13.5ish volts after ignition being left off for a few hours, then it is charging. An alternative would be a cheap cigarette plug that shows volts off eBay if you don’t have a multimeter.
If it doesn’t charge, you can install a battery master or similar to give it some charge and keep it in good condition. About £70 to buy and very easy to fit.
Thread below explains these.
Has anybody got thoughts on the "Ablemail Electronics AMT12-2 Battery Maintainer instead of the normal Van Bits BM. It seems to pulse charge the start battery 3 sec on 15 sec off, is this good ? I am reading the installation instructions & can't see where SW 1 & SW 2 are. "Is it me...