Styling Car Bra

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Styling Car Bra

I have owned 3 VW beetles, a 1972 an 1964 and a 2000 and I liked them all. I do like the look of the new one also.
That's awesome, will have to wait until after my girlfriend's birthday to get one though, if that's okay? Will you still be able to get hold of them in about a month?

I think I'm going to take the plunge on this car and get back into modding. A slight lowering, new wheels (T-Sports) and subtle body mods. :) And a car bra of course.

Yes I will be able to get you one in a month...Just let me know when you are ready.

They've decided to resurface nearly every single road around here recently - stone chippings everywhere. And I pick my car up tomorrow - I'm beginning to wonder whether I need one of these!! :D
What about vehicles coming the other way?

You can't really do much about them :p But if you keep your distance from cars going the same way then the bonnet won't be so bad. You're going to get chips on the sills, on the doors and on the bumper anyway..... :)
I'll try and avoid as much as poss and keep my distance (I usually do anyway) and I'm sure it will be fine - I was very annoyed that this morning they were re-dressing the 1 road I can't avoid to get into work = very annoying indeed.
Good news TheCurleyOne they do come in red....They even come in snake skin.
The cost is £10 extra for the colours.
Thanks for letting us know it's available in red, but bit much right now. As get absolutely nothing free with the 500 on order - and with winter approaching, getting mudflaps and mats, brighter bulbs and the like sorted out first are top of the list for local driving.
Keep your distance from other drivers and you'll be fine.

I drive at more than enough distance from the car in front to be safe and I still get them. A stone kicked up by a truck at 70mph isn't going to have hit the ground by the time you reach it unless you're miles back and then someone will just fill the gap anyway. Stone chips happen no matter what you do!
I drive at more than enough distance from the car in front to be safe and I still get them. A stone kicked up by a truck at 70mph isn't going to have hit the ground by the time you reach it unless you're miles back and then someone will just fill the gap anyway. Stone chips happen no matter what you do!

Well you obviously don't drive far enough back ;)
I drive at more than enough distance from the car in front to be safe and I still get them. A stone kicked up by a truck at 70mph isn't going to have hit the ground by the time you reach it unless you're miles back and then someone will just fill the gap anyway. Stone chips happen no matter what you do!

Thanks I'm just out of probation - so still maintaining the Two Second Rule by habit.
After the flash-floods here, some local routes that only had hints of potholes-to-be, well they've just turned into dinner-plate size holes (grrr) and they're all chipping away further with each car passing. With that and 3 punctures in 2 years (all the building detrius around too) let's face it, I don't really stand a chance with a new car coming in bright red! Phial of paint added to the shopping list, and a case of awaiting the inevitable sometime...:cry:
Hubby's concern with Car-bra is the abrasive effect of any dirt caught under it - so waxing well first has to be an absolute must.
If you go for your car-bra mod, do report back on how you get on with it!
It's a pretty pointless if you go by the thinking it protects your car from chips, which i'm sure it does, but it'll protect a part of the car you won't see, unless you like to only have your car on show on your drive. personally the most important time for a car to look good would be when it's being driven.

If you want to protect your paint from paintchips, surely a clear vinyl would be the better option, combining protection with still being able to see the car.

If you like the look of the "car bra" then, well that's fine, but don't give me the "it'll protect my car" nonsense.
It protected my car while it was parked on the drive today...

A bird had managed to poo just on the bra and it missed the paintwork.