General Battery problems?

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General Battery problems?


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Hi - wondered if anyone can help?

I recently went to start my car only to find that the battery had gone flat. The car had been fine a couple of days before hand.

I just purchased a new battery, from a garage - it was a rather cheap reclaimed one for about £40. I put this in but stil lhad to bump start the car, which I drove for about 30 mins. I parked up and the turned the engine off and a couple of hours later checked it again and it started fine first time.
However the next mornign the battery had gone flat again :mad:. It keeps doing this - it wont hold the charge over night. Theres nothing on in the car - no radio, boot light etc and I'm assuming the cars mechaincally fine, i.e starter motor and the alternator as it will start again after I've used it for 5 mins. Do you think I just bought a crap battery, or could there be an underlying problem here?

Cheers for listening!
2002 1.2 Petrol Punto - 30000 miles on clock
Go back and complain, they'll probably give you another.

Discharged batteries sometimes wont wake up again if they go down too low (like below 9V open circuit). You could try a recovery charger like an Optimate and see if that pulls it back.
Thanks for the reply - I'm planning to take the battery back, I just wondered if there could be another cause for it not starting - is there a known or common problem here?
i say its almost cetainly the alternator that has gone on it meaning it isnt recharging the power its using, a cheap easyish fix aswell, hoipe this helps ya:)