General AUX input - RESULT

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General AUX input - RESULT

Well the lead arrived today, so I'll get onto it tomorrow...As TDQ says, it seems very straightforward, but I'll snap some pics of the cable routing - I'm intending feeding it into the glovebox, instead of cupholder area...

Pic's to follow...

Pics will be very useful! As I'll be wanting to add an AUX iPod connection to my future Panda too :)
you know that you need to break the pins out of the aux input lead connector?

The other way of doing it is doing what this member did and usefully illustrated :)

Obviously it's a one shot thing, ie when you push them home that's it, but you can insert them enough to make contact to test you've got the pins inserted in the right place on the back of the connector block.

Is that true? So once you put the plug in that's it, you can't take it out?? :eek:
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It is only the pins you can't get out of the plug again, the plug still comes out fine so there's nothing drastic or irreversible about it, just you can't do it more than once with the yellow plug that comes with the caR.
Okay - Success, of sorts...:rolleyes:

Removing the unit is simple - Either a cheap set of keys from Halfrauds, or a modded coathanger to depress the retaining pins on either side...A gentle pull, and out it comes...

You're left with a hole like this, in your dash...


Now this is where the problem becomes apparent - The multi coloured connector block occupies all available slots on the back of the head unit...So there's no place to plug the nice new lead in...

This might have been obvious to some, but as I'd never removed the stereo before, I wasn't sure if there would be a 'spare' port for the multichanger etc...There isn't...:p


Anyway, there's only one wire into the yellow block, but I'm not 100% sure what it's for, so just disconnecting it to insert my new lead wasn't an option...So I had no alternative other than to (carefully) butcher the new lead to free the wires...

This done, I just looked at the handy picture on the other thread (, and pushed them home into the relevant holes in the existing yellow connector...


Now, I wanted to route the lead into my glovebox...Problem number two - There's no blanking plate to remove for the lead (thought there might have been one for fitting the official Fiat iPod lead). This would mean drilling a substantial hole for the lead...Around the area all the wiring for the passenger airbag is situated...:rolleyes:

I've no desire to run the risk of setting it off in my face, or disabling it, so decided not to bother...Instead, I fed it down behind the head unit, and to the left...It comes out to the left of the centre console, and it's easy enough to tuck it behind, so that only what you need is visible around the cup holder area...

(Might revisit this later, but was in a rush, so no time right now...)

Leads all reconnected, head unit back into the slot, and it's good to go...iPod connects via the 3.5mm jack, and is distortion / hum free...Faaaaar better than any FM Transmitter I've owned...(y)

Definitely worth doing if you've got the MP3 stereo (169 C1V2 MP3) - Takes 10 minutes of your time, and will cost you £7.99...:D

Lead required:

(And if anyone fancies a Fiat 169 CD HU, there's a nice one on eBay right now...:D )
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You did it the way I did in the end then by the looks of it.

Still it's really not that difficult to do, in all honesty I was more worried about my other half slicing his finger when trying to saw through that blue plug with a kitchen knife!

Glad you got it sorted. (y)
Got my lead from Bluespot ( ) on Thursday so I had a go at fitting it yesterday....

Well the end result was...It works!...:D

So much less hassle than the FM transmitter (which, to be fair, was pretty good most of the time)

Only problems I encountered were:

a) I broke the earth lead clip trying to liberate it from the blue ISO plug (fixed by extending the earth lead an earthing it to the casing of the HU)
b) And I couldn't get the grey plug out of the stereo at first (due to the bizarre little clips!) which allowed me to remove the HU to fix the earthing problem.

Other than that it was a piece of cake....Now I just have to remember to remove my mp3 player when I park up!

At least with the FM transmitter, the wires everywhere made you remember to remove it!

I need some help with this.

Ive brought the lead and will remove the 3 wires.

Can someone tell me where each wire goes.

There is a red wire, a thin black one and a thick black one.

I know where the 3 holes are in the back of the HU but i am not sure where each one goes. Thanks, i dont know anything about electrics.
Hey Paul,

THICK Black one is the EARTH and goes in the middle hole of the 3

THIN Black & THIN Red are LEFT / RIGHT and go in top / bottom holes....

Not sure which one is L/R though! :eek:

You don't need to completely remove the HU to do this mod.

Also, there is a hole in the top of the glove box you can route the cable through directly from the back of the HU, so you can hide your mp3 player away in there :)
Hey Paul,

THICK Black one is the EARTH and goes in the middle hole of the 3

THIN Black & THIN Red are LEFT / RIGHT and go in top / bottom holes....

Not sure which one is L/R though! :eek:


Cheers mate, will give it a bash tommorrow, thx for the warning, but if its fragile i will break it. :bang:
I'm a little confused :confused: when I compare it with this

Could someone please tell me if this would be the right connexion :worship:

I think its confusing as the block has been turned around in the pic. I did it the way 'ThisBitterPill' said to and it works fine. I aint no expert but i dont think it matters which slots you put the other two pins into as long as you get the earth right. I tried them both ways and it didnt make any differance to the sound.
Could someone please tell me if this would be the right connexion :worship:

When I connected mine up the way you show it in your pic (the same way that it is shown in the other thread) I could just about hear the output but it clearly wasn't right.....

Through trial and error I ended up with the set-up I previously mentioned....

LEFT & RIGHT wires (the thin ones) in the holes you have marked as LEFT & EARTH....

The EARTH in the one you have marked as RIGHT (the middle one)
(although I ended up earthing mine throught the casing as I broke the clip!)

Try putting the LEFT and RIGHT wires in place but don't fully click them in....Then try the EARTH and you should hear your output....(make sure your mp3 player is playing!)

I run my mp3 player in LINE OUT mode....

Good luck....let us know! (y)
Yay! Done it! :slayer:

5 minute job, easy peasy.

Got the Bluespot cable off Ebay, ripped the blue connector apart

Popped my headunit out, thick black wire in the middle of the yellow connector and the thin black and red in the relevant slots either side.

Didn't even bother to take the connection blocks off the headunit

Slotted it all back in, run the cable to the cup holder.

All done before my cup of tea went cold.

Only needed one plaster on my finger too, caught it on the cage