Along with the DPF issues referenced in another thread, the recently purchased bargain Doblo also displayed an anomolous error on the dash. Hey - the rear left door is open.....beeep.....repeatedly. Reduced the buzzer to zero, but still got the light show.
Realising the microswitch on the rear barn doors on these vans is in the left hand rear door lock assembly, rather than a separate plunger, I pulled the power cable from the back of the connector. I was able to lock the door with the key, and the sliding door still worked off the central locking operated by the fob.
All was good for the first day. Then day 2......up popped the light show and the warnings again. How can this be - the switch is disconnected ?
Researching on this forum and others led me to the infamous sliding door contact switch issue. So today, I have carried out an elaborate repair at great expense. Chopping up two expired fuel cards, and unscrewing the plunger contact fitting, I wedged the bits of expired plastic in behind and screwed the fitting back down.

We'll see if that cures it. Update to follow
Realising the microswitch on the rear barn doors on these vans is in the left hand rear door lock assembly, rather than a separate plunger, I pulled the power cable from the back of the connector. I was able to lock the door with the key, and the sliding door still worked off the central locking operated by the fob.
All was good for the first day. Then day 2......up popped the light show and the warnings again. How can this be - the switch is disconnected ?
Researching on this forum and others led me to the infamous sliding door contact switch issue. So today, I have carried out an elaborate repair at great expense. Chopping up two expired fuel cards, and unscrewing the plunger contact fitting, I wedged the bits of expired plastic in behind and screwed the fitting back down.

We'll see if that cures it. Update to follow