Technical 2004 Fiat punto Sporting 16V help!

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Technical 2004 Fiat punto Sporting 16V help!

Jul 19, 2024
Hello dear friends,
I am currently in the process of locating the air intake for this car - I wish to spray some Engine starter to help it to fire up of course.
Could anyone point me to it's location and how to get to it? Also knowing where I spray the starter fluid (on the filter itself or within) would be of great help and assistance to me.
Many thanks!
Hello dear friends,
I am currently in the process of locating the air intake for this car - I wish to spray some Engine starter to help it to fire up of course.
Could anyone point me to it's location and how to get to it? Also knowing where I spray the starter fluid (on the filter itself or within) would be of great help and assistance to me.
Many thanks!
This sounds like a recipe for disaster, if you cannot open the bonnet and identify the intake pipes then it doesn’t sound like you know too much at all about cars and spraying easy start about is likely to result in fire or engine damage if you don’t know what you’re doing