General 1978 Fiat X 1/9

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General 1978 Fiat X 1/9

Cee Jay

New member
Jul 12, 2024
Las Vegas , Nevada
Hello Fiat People

Thanks for letting me join.
I have a question ?
My Fiat after I drive it has thease cooling Fans coming on after I turn off the motor and I notice it is stayin g on after 10 minutes it seems but I didn't know what to do so I disconnected thge Battery for saftey, Is there a sensor or something that I can change? I also would like to know where it is located?
Sorry , I am a Rookie.
I maybe wrong but I wouldn't have thought that these came with an electric fan when built in 1978, could it be an aftermarket fan? Some of them come with a dial, that you can adjust the amount of time that they stay running when the engine is turned off, trace the wires from the fan itself and see where it leads to.
Iirc, all X1/9's including the '78 model were fitted with electric cooling fans mounted on the radiator which is at the front of the car.

Some Fiats of that era had the cooling fan wired independently of the ignition switch (i.e. turning off the ignition doesn't stop the fan) so that the fan could continue to cool the coolant in the radiator after the engine was switched off when very hot.
Sometimes you might even see the coolant temperature gauge continue to rise after switching off the engine and then the fan will cut in.

So, given that the OP is in Nevada, which afaik is as hot as hell at the moment, I think his car and cooling fan are probably behaving normally and there's nothing to worry about. Just ensure that the coolant level is up to the max mark (that's about 1/2 way up) on the plastic coolant reservoir.

Normally I'd expect the fan to switch off within 5 mins after the engine has stopped but... it's very hot in Nevada at the moment.

Iirc, the sensor controlling the fan is located in the bottom of the radiator which is at the front of the car - this sensor is a simple thermo-switch - basically, internally it connects the 2 wires going to it when the coolant temp. goes high enough, probably around 90 - 95* C. (195 - 205*F).

OP will likely get better/more accurate information if he posts in the X1/9 section of this forum, that's where the real experts on this model can be found.