General 100hp sport mode.

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General 100hp sport mode.

You sure you switched it on and off? There's a HUGE difference between the two!

Yes I did it a few times, and the 'sport' light came on and off and the steer did get stiffer. Most of the journey was a slow speeds though (stop start mostly), but from the sounds of it that is where the sport mode makes the difference. I'm not too bothered anyway because I thought it was fine without the sport mode. I'm not sure whether I would use the sport mode, but I'd have to experiment with it more.
One thing I didn't realise was that it takes 5 seconds to switch modes so if you switch it on and off quickly (like I did initially) there'll be no apparent difference.

Come on people....It's not that hard to drive in SPORT mode....

I drive it (in traffic) every day and I never turn it off, but I very rarely get any jumpiness (maybe a bit when I can't be arsed to go into third and keep it in high second but that's all)

If you find it that bad maybe it's down to your driving :p

How would you guys fare if you drove something really sensitive and really powerful?!....Might end in tears like these pensioners who press the wrong pedal and zoom throught the supermarket window! :D
Come on people....It's not that hard to drive in SPORT mode....

I drive it (in traffic) every day and I never turn it off, but I very rarely get any jumpiness (maybe a bit when I can't be arsed to go into third and keep it in high second but that's all)

If you find it that bad maybe it's down to your driving :p

How would you guys fare if you drove something really sensitive and really powerful?!....Might end in tears like these pensioners who press the wrong pedal and zoom throught the supermarket window! :D

Preposterous suggestion!! I'm sure everyone on this forum is an exemplary driver....;)
I avoid using it on my short run to work too as I assumed it would use more fuel and not much use in a queue of traffic. Does anyone know if it has much affect on the economy? I tend to get about 35mpg in vigourous driving and 48 mpg driving like a grandad.
It does state in the handbook that it will use more fuel, my understanding is that's because it opens the throttle a lot quicker. Bit like the old lead foot petrrol adverts from the 70s.

Oops, showing my age now!
I think the main differnece with regards to throttle response is that with sport off the first 3/4 inch of pedal travel doesn't actually do alot. When I first got the car this made it seem a bit weird to drive compared to sport mode on (I have stalled it a few times when I have had the radio on loaud enough not to be able to hear the engine revs and still thinking I was in sport mode).

I also noticed it was a bit jupmy when driving slowly (1st gear) arround townwith sport on, but i havn't noticed this since the first week of ownership. So either i have gotten used to it or it doesn't do it anymore.

I don't think the car is any slower with it off, you just have to press the pedal harder!

My sport button stays off for the vast majority of the time, purely because with it on, the car pulls to the left while accelerating. I have had / am having tracking problems witht the car since it was new, and i can't tell if the pulling to the left is just masked by the power steering while sportmode is off or if sport mode is causing the problem. I should probably start a new thread for this problem but has anyone else experience similar?