General 1.4-litre Fiat 500 needed for magazine photoshoot

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General 1.4-litre Fiat 500 needed for magazine photoshoot

How did I miss that Thread? :eek: But its still just a spamming of an obvious retard... Lolitas Threads were thoughtful, debatable, sometimes durty & always funny. Hardly ever a cross word said in them though, which was my point really (y)

Retard threads > thoughtful threads


I like both, but for pure hilarity you can't beat a bit of 'tard :)
Still looking for a 1.4-litre 500. If you're interested please PM me ASAP.
Many thanks,

Still looking for a suitable 1.4-litre 500. This is a one-off opportunity to experience the rest of the 500 range on track. Please PM me ASAP if you would like to take part.
Guy - I think everyone has got the message.

Well if he doesn't ask he won't get :)

Guy, the only think I can really suggest other than scouring other forums, would be to have a look on fuelly. There are a few 1.4's on there Change the figures to UK mpg in the top left hand corner and it'll make them easier to find as they'll be more around the 40 mpg mark. A few of them are from here and if you link back to this thread maybe they'll visit the forum and lend you their car :)

P.S If you are a car thief and are going to strip the car, if it's a 2010 model, can I have the rear beam please? :D *jokes*