Technical PHOTOS of timing marks 8v F.I.R.E Engines

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Technical PHOTOS of timing marks 8v F.I.R.E Engines

Aug 10, 2003
Essex/Suffolk border
here you go hope they help, the tdc sensor is removed from this engine but there is a photo of it and of where it goes. also a photo that shows belt fitted.


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Re: FAO zapiy pics of timing marks

Cheers Dave,

These were a great help today.

But although engine seems to tick over better the main problem still exsists
Re: PHOTOS of timing marks

Can you confirm that the crank pulley TDC timing mark is on the apex of the corner of that strengthening web. When i looked at the picture in the Haynes book (of lies) I thought it was halfway up the straight web, but looking at your picture and then looking back at the Haynes manual it would seem to be right on the corner , just as the web changes direction/angle.

I'm halfway through my head gasket, timing belt and tensioner pulley change at the moment, but am doing it in my drive with no garage so rain stopped play today - it rained for 11 hours solid ! :bang:
Re: PHOTOS of timing marks

Join the club ! , same thing here after 11 hours rain it was still raining and her Punto is still headless ... stopped now so I'm off out to slap it back on , don't you love it when the missus says to you after tea ... " Oh by the way love , a little orange light that looks like half a ladder in the sea has come on on my dash " ..." Ohh yeah ? ... how long has it been on ffs !! ' ... "Oh , about 3 days now " .... she covers 140 miles a day ! . :bang: :bang: AHHH don't you love em ?
Re: PHOTOS of timing marks

have set my engine up like this (after supectedly acciently advancing cam by 3-4 teeth, it still ran but roughly and poor response time) in the pictures, but she won't run!!!!

She turns over for 2-3seconds then stops with a loud electrical sounding clunk (like relay is cutting starter motor out).
Re: PHOTOS of timing marks

Interesting. I have the same engine in my Doblo and I also could not figure out where the crankshaft timing mark was. I also wondered if it was the corner of the strengthening web. I actually set TDC using a clock gauge when the head was off and the pulley mark didn't quite line up with anything so I'm still not sure. Does anyone know the correct precedure for tightening the cylinder head bolts on the 1.2 litre 8 valve engine?
Re: PHOTOS of timing marks


i'm new to the forum and am trying to help my sister who is a single mum and money is tight. i'm not a mechanic by any stretch of the imagination, but am happy to get stuck in and learn. Unfortunately, she was advised her timing belt needs replacing and was quoted £150 for the privalige. Once i discovered the belt itself is only £7 i offered to try and do it for her. I've read the Haynes manual (which seems to miss out a few stages) over and over and jumped in. Before i removed the old belt, i marked each of the pulleys where it was in relation to the engine. The crankshaft pulley, the camshaft pulley and the auxillary pulley. I had great difficulty getting the alternator pulley off and may have rotated it. However, when i managed to get the new belt on, i lined up all the marks on each pulley to the respective engine marks. turned the key, and of course it didn't fire.
After a few more hours, i managed to rotate the 'auxiallry' sprocket/pulley such that the engine would fire, but not run very well at all. I kept moving the postion of the auxillary sprocket until the engine wouldn't fire at all, and in fact it appears that i have now lost compression.
Can anyone please give me some constructive advise? Is it possible for a novice to actually get the timing correct.
I'm worried that i may have done some serious damage to the UNO !!!

Thanks very much

Kev :)
Re: PHOTOS of timing marks

hi, thank you for this information, it was perfect and so easy to follow
Re: PHOTOS of timing marks

The best timing mark for TDC is through the hole in the bell housing (under battery area), you need a torch and mirror, the timing line and the pointer are easy to get accurate and you dont need to get under the car to do any adjustments.
Re: PHOTOS of timing marks

dave said:
here you go hope they help, the tdc sensor is removed from this engine but there is a photo of it and of where it goes. also a photo that shows belt fitted.

are these for a 55sx???
Re: PHOTOS of timing marks

has anyone got pics of this out of a haynes manual?i dont really want to waste £20 on getting the timing marks.....i only need to know how to time it up

i was just wondering whether the diagrams are accurate for a 1998 fiat seicento sporting, 1108cc 8v.

The timing mark on the crank pulley lines up nicely with the apex of the casing (using your pictures) and the 2 out most pistons are at TDC, which leads me to believe that your timing pictures work for my car. But i am struggling to find the mark for the cam pulley, if it is where the pictures show then my timing is out by about 20 teeth! this confused me as the crank timing marks appear right.... and on top of that the car runs (very rough) it will tick over and rev to about 3k rpm, is that possible with such bad timing :S.

Please enlighten me if you can as i am struggling to find informtion about this.... trust my car to mess up JUST before i start a new job....

!peace! lewis teer
Re: PHOTOS of timing marks

no one mentions that the pulley that drives the alternator onlys goes on one way theres a tiny dimple and a hole to line up the engine wont run if this is wrong took me an hour to work this out
Re: PHOTOS of timing marks

no one mentions that the pulley that drives the alternator onlys goes on one way theres a tiny dimple and a hole to line up the engine wont run if this is wrong took me an hour to work this out

:confused: the big photo in the post above this with the pin circled in red :rolleyes:

edit not my pic i use right size washers
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