Opinions/Views wanted please

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Opinions/Views wanted please

Aug 31, 2003
Banbury, Oxfordshire
Hi all, need your opinions and help on this matter :(

currently i have some nice compomotive ml's:


which i love to pieces but managed to kerb them a coupla months ago :( so decided recently they had to go get refurbed (polished lip with a black centre) thats why theyve been sat in garage for coupla weeks... just about to get the ball rolling and i decide to pop on foreign ebay (what a mistake!) to check out what their offerings are... and what do i find but these...



13x8 on the rear and 13x7 on the fronts, and a 13x7 spare :cool: and the guy is willing to post to the uk for 22 euro's a wheel :slayer:

now i know i really shouldnt but i am very very very tempted at the minuite, depending on cost but wanted to know what you guys think? do i refurb the ones i have (lightweight competition spec alloys remember - anthracite centre and polished lip) or do i get these? (black centre with gold metalflake and polished lip with gold studs)

really am torn :cry:

and just for an idea how they will look on a cinq:


please help, cant decide and the smoors auction ends tomorrow at 7pm :cry:
i think they look very nice but i am a women and i drive a suzuki :eek: so what would i know :D
theres far too much going on on them, needs to be simpler..its a wheel not a fancy bit of wallpaper!

them wheels might look ok once they've been recoated, all silver - but i cant see past the bling bits on them at the mo! :p
well having spoken to a few people i think im defo going for them :D:D

if all else fails and i end up with some wheels i cant get to fit my cinq i'll first get some pics of them on cinq (Whey!) and then put them on fleabay for the dub boys as from what i've heard they will go nuts trying to buy these off me if i dont want them :D
think you get those free with teh rims dave :D :p you not like them then? :p

btw dave bit of a long shot but your prob best guy to ask do you know if you can get locking wobbly bolts? dont want these going walkies if all is kushti with 'em :p