Technical Air back alarm light on ... after seat removal

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Technical Air back alarm light on ... after seat removal


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May 23, 2013
Air back alarm light on went on after seat removal. This know to most? I just wanted to check if my bottom plate has rust. I removed right seat and then noticed, that air back light is activated. Is there a easy way to set it off. I do not like to go to Fiat service, while Fiat idiots made the design so stupid. Can i somehow hook my laptop into Fiat? Which program I need?

Does anyone know If the air backs still work in case of accident even though the light is on? :confused:

I appreciate that English is not your main language, but your question makes no sense.

What is "Air back"
What is this "bottom plate"? What does it do, where does it fit, etc. How is it connected to air back?

For software, look on here for MultiECUscan.

If you can make the question clearer, more help will hopefully be available.
I appreciate that English is not your main language, but your question makes no sense.

What is "Air back"
What is this "bottom plate"? What does it do, where does it fit, etc. How is it connected to air back?

For software, look on here for MultiECUscan.

If you can make the question clearer, more help will hopefully be available.

I think it is fairly obvious to anyone with a brain that the guy is referring to an Air Bag and wanting to check if the floor of his car is rusty. English may not be his main language but he made a reasonable attempt and your attitude is unhelpful. What's your Finnish like?
I think it is fairly obvious to anyone with a brain that the guy is referring to an Air Bag and wanting to check if the floor of his car is rusty. English may not be his main language but he made a reasonable attempt and your attitude is unhelpful. What's your Finnish like?

Why do you feel the need to be rude? If you understand the question, why don't you give an answer instead?
Why do you feel the need to be rude? If you understand the question, why don't you give an answer instead?

Sorry if you think I was being being rude but your reply was discourteous to the original poster. I have insufficient knowledge to give a helpful answer but now you know what the question is about perhaps, given your experience in the motor trade you could assist.
There are 3 different airbag modules in barchetta depending on year of manufacturing.
95-97 -) these can be reset by making contact on one of the wires with a 12v mine. To be read out with multimeter

97 -)?
Until some weeks ago it was not possible to reset/read out these
units ending with ..98 were not able to read out.
Now it can be done
please use translator if you don't understand

These have the engine and airbag to be read out with an obd2 cable.
All can be done with fiatecuscan

hope this helps
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Thanks for English lesson . During my several trips to other countries I have noticed, that not so clever people usually don't understand a not native speaker easily ... more clever can figure out easily the meaning from what was said/wrote a pit wrong.

And thanks also for the help concerning AIRBAG control system.

In my case all 'parts' (sensors, control and BAGS, wiring ) should be ok, but the control unit just is confused (=stupid) , while I removed the seat. Does anyone know if the system still work in case of serious accident although the airbag alarm lamp is on?
First of all Welcome.

Because you removed the seat and undid the connectors below the seat without disconnecting the vehicle battery the Airbag Control Unit, which remains powered when the ignition is turned off, thinks that there is a wiring problem.

Unlike of control units, like the engine ECU, Airbag control units do not self reset when the fault is corrected and they required diagnostic kit to reset them.

The good news for you is that *FREE* version MultiECUScan can reset this for you and all you will need to buy is a cheap VAG KKL cable AND a 3 pin connect adaptor.



Ensinnäkin Tervetuloa.

Koska olet poistanut istuin ja undid liittimet istuimen alla irrottamatta auton akku Airbag Control Unit, joka on edelleen virtaa, kun virta on kytketty pois päältä, ajattelee, että on olemassa johdotus ongelma.

Toisin kuin ohjausyksiköt, kuten moottorin ECU, Airbag ohjausyksikkö eivät itse nollata, kun vika on korjattu ja ne tarvitsevat diagnostiikkasarja palauttaa ne.

Hyvä uutinen sinulle on, että * ILMAINEN * versio MultiECUScan voi nollata tämän sinulle ja sinun täytyy ostaa on halpaa VAG KKL kaapelin ja 3 pin connect sovitin.

Thanks for the detailed answer and link. I have a OBD2 scanner ... but likely this will not work with Barchetta model 1998? And is it possible to make DIy version of 16-3 pin adapter?

and the google Finnish is also full of errors ... but can be understood if one tries hard.
I had to get my Barchetta trough yearly inspection yesterday ... I could not reset the alarm so instead I modified the "meter panel" (sorry s130 ... I do not know the word) . Now the airbag light work together with oil pressure light. This needs one 2cm jumper cable and 30min time. I know, that lamp works fine, but airbags will not safe my life. I got my B trough inspection and now I need to reset the alarm before accident.


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Well pekval no apology required. The word/words you were looking for are "instrument panel" or "instrument cluster".

About the Finnish translation ...... blame Google Translate!!!!!!!

Your modification to the light wiring certainly fooled your testers. You were lucky :) but well worth doing. I would have chosen the ABS light (if you have ABS) as then the engine does not need to be started to turn off the oil/airbag light.

About the actual airbag unit fitted to you car. There appears to be concern / confusion over what the unit is based on production date.

If you PM me (send private message via forum) with your chassis number I can tell you your cars actual production date and the original part number of your airbag control unit.

Also I suggest you disconnect the battery, leave for 20 minutes and then remove the control unit (easy to do) and take a picture/photocopy of the manufacturers label on the top of the unit. If you do this then we will know exactly what your car has fitted and then we may be able to work out what to do next.

I am glad I spotted this thread before I just blindly jumped in to replace the interior rear panel (the one behind the seats) which is cracked.

I thought that while I was doing this, I might as well strip the seats out (for a good clean), and check under the floor panels for any signs of rust.

We live in Spain now,and dont use it on the the odd wet days that we have. But I dont know how it was (ab)used prior to my ownership 4 years ago.

Reading between the lines in this thread, if I disconnect the battery and wait for a short while before I disconnect the underseat connections, should it all reset itself correctly when I put it all back together?

I am thinking this because I recently had to change the battery, and it was without charge for a couple of days, and everything just started up as normal. Its a 96 model by the way.
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You have the unit ending with 98. Same as mine and not able to reset with fiatecuscan.
But you can if you do the next:

first get an obd2 cable
this is selectable so you can read abs and engine with fiatecuscan

than you need:

Then install all drivers included with the obd2 cable.
install fiatecuscan to read out engine and abs

To reset airbag please read (google translated)
- Download the zip file from the following link:
- Unzip the file to a directory in the root of the C drive, eg c: \ trw2scan
- Connect the USB connector of the KKL / OBDII connector to the computer
- Close the 16pins connector of the 3pin adapter to the OBD connector
- Connect the 3 pin connector to the airbag connector. This is in a dummy plug on the fan in the foot well of the passenger seat
- Connect the red wire of the 3 pin adapter cable to 12V (battery)
- Put the key in the ignition and turn (so the engine does not start) it to the first position
- You now have two options, use the command prompt or Windows Explorer.

Command Prompt
- Open the command box (W7 and W8 type cmd, then enter)
- Type: cd ..
- Repeat this until you are in the root of the C drive
- Type: cd trw2scan and gives enter (if you received the program in a different directory ge-unzip you choose that directory)
- Type: trw2scan trw2.obd and press enter

Windows Explorer
- Browse to the directory where the program is (C: \ trw2scan in the example)
- Right click on trw2.obd
- Choose OPEN
- Choose CHOOSE A PROGRAM INSTALLED (text could be something else, I an English Windows version) Choose OK
- Choose BROWSE
- Now browse to the program directory and choose the program trw2scan.exe

The program is now run in the DOS box. It makes contact with the airbag ECU and gives an overview of the error messages.
Finally it proposes a query that looks something like this:

reset faults y / n

- Now key y

The errors are reset and the DOS box terminates automatically. I had to run the program twice but then the light on my dashboard was out

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